The nominees for the 2010 MMVAs are in! Drake is in the lead with an impressive 7 nominations, including the MuchVIBE Hip-Hop Video Of The Year! The boys from Hedley are close behind with 6 nominations, and your boy Justin Bieber is making his entrance onto the MMVA nomination list with a cool 4 nominations. Of course, the magnificent Ms. Miley, your MMVA 2010 co-host, is rockin’ out with a nomination of her own!
International Video Of The Year By A Canadian
Avril Lavigne – Alice (RCA/Sony Music)
Drake – Over (Cash Money/Universal Music)
Drake f. Kanye West , Lil’ Wayne & Eminem – Forever (Interscope/Universal Music)
Justin Bieber – One Time (Island Def Jam/Universal Music)
Justin Bieber f. Ludacris – Baby (Island Def Jam/Universal Music)
Drake f. Kanye West , Lil’ Wayne & Eminem – Forever (Interscope/Universal Music)
Hedley – Perfect (Universal Music)
Justin Bieber f. Ludacris – Baby (Island Def Jam/Universal Music)
Marianas Trench – Celebrity Status (604 Records/Universal Music)
Avril Lavinge – Alice (RCA/Sony Music)
UR FAVE New Artist
Drake f. Kanye West , Lil’ Wayne & Eminem – Forever (Interscope/Universal Music)
Justin Bieber f. Ludacris – Baby (Island Def Jam/Universal Music)
Down With Webster – Rich Girl$ (Universal Music)
Stereos – Summer Girl (Universal Music)
Carley Rae Jepsen – Bucket (Fontana North/MapleMusic Recordings)
Also, JB has been nominated for Best New Artist for the 2010 BET Awards! yay!!
He’s up against Melanie Fiona, Nicki Minaj, Wale, and Young Money.
The hating never seems to end.
Now someone has decided to make a plugin for Firefox where, with a click a a button, all mentions of Justin Bieber will be blocked out of a webpage, even the pictures!
Watch the video to see what I mean:

Following positive reception for "Valentine's Day", Warner Bros. has developed the follow-up entitled "New Year's Eve". And now director Garry Marshall has given updates on the project, including the possible cast.
"I hear they keep mentioning this Justin Bieber," the filmmaker said on who the studio wants for the film. But Marshall apparently does not know the teen singer, as he claimed, "I have no idea who that is. Perhaps I'd better see who he is, so when he arrives on set, possibly [we can talk]. So we'll see."
While "New Year's Eve" has not tapped any actor, Marshall said that the screenplay is about to be complete. "I have a script. I did a rewrite. We're rewriting it now." And if everything goes according to the plan, the movie could start shooting in New York City in September.

Creating pandemonium wherever he goes, Justin Bieber was spotted at Tower Records in Tokyo, Japan earlier today (May 18).
The “One Less Lonely Girl” singer looked genuinely touched by the warm welcome he received from his Japanese fans while promoting his new album My World.
During his appearance, Justin even tried his tongue at some Japanese phrases including “Konnichiwa” (hello), “Cho Kawaii” (very cute), and “Daisuki” (I like very much).
Prior to the event, Mr. Bieber tweeted, “Had some Japanese lessons today… this place is awesome.”
This is truly disturbing. This is why you should never give out your information to people you don't know.
A group of girls from Rosholt thought they found pop singer Justin Bieber's phone number on the internet. What followed were text messages from an imposter who was a registered sex offender. One of the girl's mothers became suspicious and called police.
Officers traced the number to a registered sex offender in Florida. He'd sent the girls a picture of Bieber that was downloaded from the internet. He'd asked for a picture of the girls in return, which they didn't send.
Police think the suspect may be in Tennessee, and law enforcement has been contacted there. The girls in Rosholt did not give out any personal information that might put them at risk.

I’m hearing the rumors… Not true… I think Justin Bieber is a great artist… And hope that he takes me on tour one day…

Well, Brian Byrne, co-owner of Son of a Gun Tattoo and Barbershop in Toronto, where Bieber got his new ink, broke down the story for MTV News via phone on Tuesday (May 18).
"It was back in March, March 4th or 5th" Byrne said. "The guy who tattooed him, Charlie, is a lifelong friend of Jeremy's, Justin's dad — they're all from Stratford. When it came up, he called Charlie and asked if he could do it and keep it quiet. We made sure the shop was empty and there was nobody around."
Byrne also confirmed reports that the tattoo was a celebration of both Bieber's birthday and family tradition.
"It was a 16th birthday tattoo," Byrne said. "I guess his dad has it, and one of his uncles. It's the outline of the seagull from Jonathan Livingston Seagull."
During the process, Byrne said that Bieber was a trooper throughout — particularly because the area he had tattooed, his left hip, is extremely sensitive. "That's a bad area, definitely. He was great. He was nervous but then got into it and it was done. It's very tiny.
"He laid there and sucked it up, his dad took a bunch of pictures and video and everybody talked to him. He's a very nice kid."
As for the legality and parental consent, Byrne confirmed that Son of a Gun has strict policies about whom they tattoo. "Our rule at the shop is: no necks, no hands, unless you're over 25; and you don't get tattooed at all unless you're 18 years old."
That rule bends slightly, Byrne explained, if you have a parent with you, and depending on what type of tattoo it is. "[We'll do it] if you're 16 and you have your parental consent, and it's a memorial tattoo or some type of family tattoo. We're pretty sticky with that. We don't want kids running around with garbage on them that [they'll later regret]."
With all the press their shop has now received, Byrne joked that they're thinking of renaming it the "Tattooed Bieber Shop."
Click here to understand the meaning behind the Bieber family tattoo