Welcome to the site that broke the news about Justin Bieber's family tattoo.
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In his visit to Australia, Justin Bieber allowed his tattoo to show while leaving the water. Check it out:
Recently in a conversation with his cousin, Jared Marion showed a family tattoo and revealed that Justin Bieber also had this tattoo done around the stomach.
The family tattoo comes from the book "Jonathon Livingstone Seagull" by author Richard Bach.
The work expresses timeless ideas about human behavior and there is a passage that says, " You have the freedom to be who you are, be yourself, here and now, and nothing can get in your way .
The tattoo is of a seagull:

i saw that in the photo i thought i was going mad :D
wow you were really paying close attention. stalker! j/k :D
best JB site ever! hands down
Is that photoshopped!? Or is that Legit!? There's been so many rumors lately its hard to keep up... nonetheless I'm believing none of this until Justin says it is true.
I thought so. I noticed it too. He's now even sexier than ever! <3333
well i dont care he is still a sexy guy.
emm is that like a permanent tattoo???? LOL justin <3
that i so hot. i love it!
Justin Needs to Get Some Abs... That Would Be So HOT!!! Who Really Cares if He Got A Tattoo...LOL IFLY <3
haha wow im shocked..xD
thought he was a good boy that wont do anything like that lol, guess i was wrong...
well anyways he is still hot with and without the tattoo (:
JB is now hotter and sexier and making me wanna kiss him ohhhhhhhhh
i wanna be his wife ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
yah it is real.if you look at alll the pics from Sydney Australia he has the tattoo. and he is workin on his abs. JBShrine posted a vid earlier today and looks like they are coming along very well. hotter than ever<3 i loveeee this siteee
justin bieber you are really cool. i loved your nba game. i didn't know you were a leftie. anyway i think you are cute and if it doesn't work out with selea give me a call. loved the 33333 ball. You Rock! :t
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