We often get messages from people asking us to help them promote a Justin Bieber video they made or campaign they are setting up, sharing a hot tip or story with us, or giving us their suggestions or comments about the site. We really appreciate it. As you can tell, we often promote our visitor's fan videos and campaigns on this blog.
The only problem is that we get these messages from everywhere. In our email, from Facebook, from Twitter, and often people just leave hot tips in the comments section of the last post of that day hoping to get our attention.
So I think it might be a good idea to set up a permanent page where people can go if they want to let us know anything.
A permanent link to the comment and suggestion page is now on the sidebar.
Feel free to use this page to:
- Give us any comments or suggestions you might have about the site
- If you have a hot Justin Bieber tip or story you would like us to share (you will be credited)
- If you want us to help you promote your JB video or campaigns
- If you feel offended by any stories or pictures we post (hint: sexy ones!!)
- If you have any problems loading the site (takes too long, look messed up, etc)
- or just to let us know how we are doing (both compliments and complaints are welcomed)
All comments left below will be viewable by our visitors (JBShrine has about 5,000 visitors and over 10,000 pagesviews per day) and each comment will automatically be emailed to us. (If it is something you would like to keep private then feel free to email us directly at jb-shrine[at]hotmail[dot]com.)
Once again thank you so much to everyone for coming to The Justin Bieber Shrine. We work really hard to make this blog funny, interesting, and cool and we are very happy that you choose to come here to help celebrate and support Justin with us (and to look at his sexy pictures!!)
hey guys! can you please promote my page? if you guys don't mind. :)
we really need more LIKES.
So, please promote our page if you guys from Malaysia. if you guys is not from Malaysia, is up to you guys. :) thanks :)
this is our page :)
Sorry Anonymous, we can't promote your cause on Facebook. There are tonnes of countries wanting JB to visit them and I just can't focus on each individual one. Good luck. And we are not from Malaysia btw. We're Canadians.
Hi! i love your site! but the only problem is your background is black and so is your font...so i cant read anything :(
thanks :)
That sounds really strange as everybody else seems to have no problems reading the posts and everything looks ok from our end.
Have you tried using Chrome instead? It's fast and will solve all your problems and more. Wait til you see the difference in makes when viewing JBShrine.
Is okay :) Thanks. nice to meet you. :D
This... site... is... AWSOME! Couldn't get any awsome_er xD JBSource got nothing on this!! Mokey's got nothing on Daisy!! xD
The X Factor Australia - Mitchell Smith Singing Baby
btw this site is awesome and i'm loving it!!!
Thanks Caitlin! The video won't be posted on the site cuz his performance wasn't really that great but if anyone is interested here is the link.
hey can i ask about the chatbox cuz we dont knw if thats the real JB or not (honestly i think its not him) please find out
As far as we know Justin has never been to this site so until we are positive that he has been here and make a public announcement then you can assume that all "Justin Bieber"s on top chat are posers.
Hello,well I found some new Justin news regarding the whole dating Jasmine Villegas thing.I would like to post the small article on this site.
Please provide a link to the news article or you can contact us through email.
can we please discourage having pictures in the chatbox how do you even do it cause i hate the posers
Can someone tell me how difficult it would be to get an autographed picture of Justin Beiber for my granddaughter who is terminally ill? She was supposed to go to one of his concerts, but was too sick to go. She just had her third brain surgery and her prognosis is grim. We know "Make a Wish" grants children's wishes, but she was too embarassed to ask. She is only 12 years old. If anyone can point me in the right direction, please email me at mbenzineb@hotmail.com. Thank you.
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Monkey's site is suspended at the moment!!!
Sean Garret and Justin working together
Justin Bieber Won HOTTEST HOTTIE at the Australian Kid's Choice Awards!!!
justin in hawaii!!!
Eric Douglace threatens to name and shame Justin Bieber haters, earns wrath of interwebs
Read more:
Caitlin <3 <3 <3
Thanks for informing me of these news items. So sorry I missed it cuz I've been so busy lately. As you noticed I haven't even had time to update the site much lately but thank you.
Next time I'll be right on top of it! Thanks Caitlin. Btw I really appreciate your support of JBShrine. It means a lot. :)
MTV goes digital with Justin Bieber
I just wanted to say.
You made a really good site and how did you do it.
I love it.
Always when I want to find out JBieber News this is the,
site I always come to.
It's now like my favourite website.
Now all we have to do is get Justin on here!
Thanks Brooke.
We wish he came here too. I'm just afraid he's gonna get weirded out to the site's popular posts. You know which ones I'm talking about. ;)
Until then we'll just keep doing what we're doing and hope for the best.
Hey Bieber Fans!!!!
We here at Next Media Animation don’t quite understand the Justin Bieber fever/haterade phenomenon, so help us understand!!! Next Media Animation needs your help in deciding how to animate the Bieber laser tag drama. ‘Like’ NMA TV on Facebook to take our “Do You ‘Belieber’ Justin Bieber?’ survey.
Cast your vote before Thursday. Justin’s fate is in your hands!
hi :)
I´m collecting all JBs videos and putting them together in a channel so there are music videos and interviews and all together
please please please: ) write about my video collection
it is here
Everybody know that Justin Bieber 3D Movie is coming out Next yeart. But for those who can´t wait to see Sexy Bieber in 3D here is the 3D version of Somebody To Love i specialy made for Biebs and all the fans. To watch you need that old fashion 3d glasses blue and red. Here is the link to the video: http://www.twitvid.com/NFF69
It´s AWESOME and all the fans are enjoying it...so i would love if you could promote it too, or just post on your page!!!
If you wanna follow me on twitter to get more JB 3D videos this is the link: www.twitter.com/JB_XTREME
Thank you very much,
Natasha =D
Thanks Natasha. It's been posted.
Justin Bieber & Sean Kingston - Eenie Meenie Club/Techno (The Sleeze Remix)
when was this site invented because its kinda wierd to look at some times because of some of the appealing pictures.
heey whats up dides and dudets
i saw the show Ottawa Justin was very hot
we would like have space for send to you picture of show Justin
you should have space for fan picture only (you could have space picture of fan only)fan could send picture of show Justin
Click on my name to go to the vid that I want to share... :)
Hey guy! I don't know if you guys have heard but Justin Bieber has recently teamed up with Music-Skins.com to offer his fans chance to get skins for their electronics. Music-Skins.com is a company dedicated to providing premium quality illustrated vinyl protective coverings known as “skins” for personal electronic devices. I personally love the skins and is getting one for my Itouch to show my love. So if you're interested check it out at www.music-skins.com
click on my name to go to link. It's Ryan Seacrest dressing up as Justin Bieber for Halloween
Click on my name to get to the vid. Eenie Meenie - Conor Maynard ft. Nicole Moattarian
Hello!! I've found these on YouTube last month and thought they are not on your site yet, maybe you all want to see Justin Bieber on Japanese TV show on Oct. They actually went on a kind of date. There are 2 vids.
He looked cute when he was kind of embarrassed at maid cafe...
JBieber and JSmith dancing.. :) Click on my name to go to the video I'm talkin about ;)
Thanks Anonymous. Will post those Japanese videos later.
Steph I'm not gonna post that Conor cover cuz there's no video and it's just alright. Also the Jaden soundcheck video has already been posted here. (click on my name lol)
Thanks guys for letting me know of these. It helps me out a lot.
IDK but this is deff in my "Bieber's hot pics" album right now... xP
click on my name to get to the pic
hah! Dog likes Justin Bieber xD
Ryan Butler on Stratford newspaper (click on my name)
The link doesn't work Steph.
Justin Bieber drawings 1 (click on my name)
Justin Bieber drawings 2 (click on my name)
Justin Bieber drawing 3 (u know what 2 do xD)
JB drawing 4
JB drawing 5. This one is made on photoshop
if Justin sing to London i could sing with Declan Galbraith
i send to you this for see Declan Galbraith http://www.youtube.com/user/siroinikki
if you want see still Déclan there is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IxIlD_ueOc&feature=related
Daisy who's that guy singing on the homepage?
It's just awsome.. xP :O
BIEBER!!!! :t
Jesse and Justin are doing something for the album right? Is it for the acoustic one?
Dominic: Do you remember me from the concert in New Jersey, on Wed. I was at the soundcheck.
I am tall and was wearing a baseball cap, i saw you in the elevator with my daughter, who is very shy.
You remembered me, you said you waved at me during the soundcheck.
What am I getting at: I love my daughter and sons very very much and want to ask you a Huge favor?
My daughter is being Bat Mitzvah in December, we are having a big party, 200 kids and 200 adults.
I wanted to ask you if you and all the legaci singers would consider coming to New Jersey and coming to my daughters Bat Mitzvah.
Also, would you ask Justin Bieber if he would come, tell him that I was the father that asked the band to play something from the
Rolling Stones and the band played Satisfaction. We live in a nice house in New Jersey and you could all stay at our house.
I know you think I must be nuts, but I love my kids so very much and I would do anything in the world for them.
There wil be great food, music and dancing, It is also my sons bar mitavah, in the Jewish religion, this is called a double Simcha.
Anyways, it would be great public relations for Legaci and for Justin Bieber, could you at least show Justin these messages?
We really enjoyed your concert and hope you consider coming? Thanks, Mike
Justin says he wont date his fans!!!
Justin Bieber, Please Don’t Get Naked For Love Magazine
OMG :o
justin is going to be on the x factor in england on either the 27th or the 28th (november) can you find out when he is comming (like at what airport and what time...) so that me and my friend can meet him at the airport if possible...thnx xxx
Pray Justin Bieber cover by Amor
look at http://justinbieber.es/el-dia-contra-bieber-¡unamosnos-las-fans
hey daisy i love ur web sight it's the best!!! i don't even look at other web sights because yours is amazing !!! it saves me a lot of time thank u so much 4 this because i love justin so much n i wanna know everything about him :t n i'm sad cus i know he will NEVER come 2 my country :n but u made it like i living with me so thank u ooooo
Omg I am like crying right now. HE IS SOO FREAKING HOT!!! I am seriosuley his biggest fan. I know what toothpaste he uses( colgate), he brushes his teeth in the shower, his shoe size height weight, what time he was born, all his favorite stuff, what city he is in every night(He’s not in a city till December 13, which is in Pittsburgh), all the sports he’s ever played, I know the songs that nobody knows like Omaha mall and shawty let’s go, all the instruments he plays and a lot more. <3333
When I was in Atlanta for vacation I walked around everywhere trying to find his house, but I couldn’t ):
Thank you so much.
And @Masha if I was in Atlanta I'm go right up to his door step cuz I got his home address. :k
Can I ask, about the latin girl song that you post it here izit a new edition or what???
u know what to do ;) <- rapist face xD
Yes this is a new version I just got of Latin Girl.
@Steph: I'm now following the rapist face ;)
u know what to do ;)
what's the site's e-mail add again?
hey do yu know when his my worl acustic ND never say never movie will be realed in australia??? btw i lovee this site
this video is pretty funny
Bieber laughing on stage xD
I just saw that the link to my suggestion doesn't work anymore so... click on my name here instead
LOL should see this... a dad dancing to Justin Bieber
u know what to do ;)
name on click xD LOL
another leaked song called ride :/
its time to remove the north america tour dates and add the world tour dates
u know what to do ;)
xP what'cha gonna do?
Daisy, read the pic's description :) click on my name
Waaaaay too much^^^
Everybody this is my youtube link of justin bieber
I always put latest videos of him
bieber button! :P :P :t
BIEBER IS SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :t :t :b :b me love his new song dr. bieber!!
I just made this video with a few Justin Bieber clips from the my world tour and the Never Say Never trailers and I was just wondering if you could post this video on your site? I'm wondering if I should make more of these videos, but I need some feedback first ;)
Here is the video:
OMG this girl carved a love letter to justin on her arm
Reports of Justin Bieber support for 'Ground Zero mosque' greatly exaggerated
full proof he's going out with selena!
hey justin waz up you are the beast hahaha i like ur song baby! it rocks!!!
@Anonymous wow lol omg
hello! i'm from the philippines..!i want to join dz i don't know how..!can u help me???
why did you close this site? it was amazinggg!
please start running it again!!
why is it closed
awwww :( you havnt updated in a while... i miss the updates :(
Hey :) this site is so good! why are you closing it???
i love the jbshrine! :) :)
:t you guys were doing such an incredible job!!!! pls don't close xx
my name is Taylor Elgarten. my friend, Becky, is a HUGE fan of yours. i wanted
to do something special for her because she's a dear friend to me.
We live in Warwick, New York. and go to Warwick Valley High School.
it would an honor if you could come and make my friend's dream wish come true.
please think about, i know how busy a star's life can be, i also know how much
effort and trouble this may cause.
Even so this would really make her life turn completely skyward!!
Thank you
Taylor Elgarten
i love justin bieber !!!!!!!!!! love u lots xx
sassy cat x :t
Hi Daisy,
I’m from BellaSugar, and we just did a video review of Justin’s new One Less Lonely Girl nail polishes. They’re pretty awesome, and I know that you guys cover him really well and update all the time, so I thought I’d send the link on over!
Here’s the vid: http://www.bellasugar.com/Video-Review-Justin-Biebers-Nail-Polish-Collection-13186848
Thanks so much and happy MLK Day!
Hi Daisy, was hoping you could help promote my Justin Bieber site. I make graphics for Facebook and AIM and will soon have wallpapers. You can check it out here:
JB Aim Icons: http://www.justinbieberlayouts.org/justin-bieber-aim-icons/
JB Facebook Layouts: http://www.justinbieberlayouts.org/justin-bieber-facebook-layouts/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL1Y1wgWNHI Beliebers Song- Always Here.
I wonder if Justin has posters of himself..
And if he has his songs on his ipod...
I'll have to ask him that if i meet him!
Happy v day justin! Your an amazing singer!:K
i would love to meet jb but that will nevwer happen he has no cancerts in chino,california it stinks
I plan to have a battle of blogs about Justin Bieber on my site www.battleofday.com . Visitors will vote and choose blog they love most. It’s a chance for you to win the title of best Justin Bieber blog ;)
Do you want your blog to be included in a battle? If you do, contact me battleofday@gmail.com and you in!
Could you feature my bieber piano cover of one time?:)
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(Please no Koini Club spam)