This is truly disturbing. This is why you should never give out your information to people you don't know.
A group of girls from Rosholt thought they found pop singer Justin Bieber's phone number on the internet. What followed were text messages from an imposter who was a registered sex offender. One of the girl's mothers became suspicious and called police.
Officers traced the number to a registered sex offender in Florida. He'd sent the girls a picture of Bieber that was downloaded from the internet. He'd asked for a picture of the girls in return, which they didn't send.
Police think the suspect may be in Tennessee, and law enforcement has been contacted there. The girls in Rosholt did not give out any personal information that might put them at risk.
THAT IS SICK! ugh freaking perv!
man thats so disgusting man that just is so scary man its rong!!!!!!
MAN THATS SO WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats Sick Im Sick Just Reading It :j :c
dempsey i agre with u i hope he gets put in jall to
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