For those of you who still do not believe that Justin's tattoo is real well here is undeniable proof that it truly is The Bieber Family Tattoo.

For those of you who still do not believe that Justin's tattoo is real well here is undeniable proof that it truly is The Bieber Family Tattoo.
I'm beyond grateful...that was incredible. Thank u for such an amazing warm welcome Australia...I told you I wouldnt let you down. Thank U!4 minutes ago via web
I love my fans...I love it here in Australia...and I want to sing...about 2 hours ago via web
I love my fans....and I am just as disappointed as everyone else with the news from this morning. I want to sing for my fansabout 2 hours ago via web
- sunriseon7
DUE TO SAFETY CONCERNS the @JustinBieberperformance has now been cancelled - by police order.#BieberOnSunrise #JustinBieber pls RTabout 3 hours ago via TweetieRetweeted by justinbieber and 100+ others
Justin Bieber gets a little excited to see the animals at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia on Sunday afternoon (April 25).
The 16-year-old musician took a private tour of the zoo with his entourage, stopping off at the giraffes, monkeys and elephant exhibits.
Justin tweeted a pic of him and an crocodile having the ultimate staredown.
Remember, Justin will be performing TODAY Westpoint Shopping Centre in Blacktown, Sydney on @ 3PM.
Teen singer Justin Bieber and 22-year-old actress Elissa Sursara have sparked a second wave of dating rumors, following a late night out in Sydney, Australia on Saturday. Despite attempts to cover their faces, Bieber was instantly recognizable amidst the slurry of eager fans and journalists, who had been awaiting the teenagers arrival.
While the Canadian singer is visiting Australia for a promotional tour, some speculate he has used the opportunity to catch up with his highly publicized crush.
The 'One Time' singer was first linked to Sursara in late 2009, after meeting the actress on a Los Angeles set. According to reports published in October, Bieber became "smitten" with the starlet and expressed interest in asking her on a date. Bieber later announced that he had been 'turned down' because of the six year age difference and tweeted that he was still "single".
Reports claimed the 16-year-old had chosen to hold out until his eighteenth birthday in the hopes of romancing the 22-year-old Sursara.
Google search queries for "Justin Bieber and Elissa Sursara" soared, while one Facebook 'hate group' for Sursara was shut down by the social networking site for posting hateful content.
Bieber, who landed in Australia less than 24 hours ago, explored popular Sydney beach, Palm Beach, before heading to a date with Sursara, also visiting Australia.
POP phenomenon Justin Bieber delighted a Sydney fan at Palm Beach today in a chance meeting when he sang to her for her birthday - and Tweeted about it.
Justin Bieber to woo Aussie fans / AP
At a well covered-up visit to Palm Beach in Sydney's North, where hit soap Home and Away is filmed, Bieber Tweeted that he had enjoyed meeting the fan and hoped she had a great birthday.
"Happy b'day to Prudence who we met today by the beach. glad we got to sing for u."
The usual throng of media was not present at the beach, instead just a handful of media were there, indicating Bieber's security is effective.
Later that night, the Baby singer ate at Bondi Beach and went home to write some more songs.
Earlier on Saturday, Bieber and Slash arrived in Sydney after becoming good buddies while travelling on the same flight from Tokyo to Sydney and already, 16-year-old Bieber has invited himself to a meal with the former Guns N Roses superstar.
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Dress Up Game Dress Justin up in various clothes and accessories.
Face In A Hole Put yourself in the same picture as Justin.
Bubble Game An addictive game Tetris like game
Hit Justin Bieber Game Throw stuff at him on stage for points (haterish).