21 February 2010

75 Justin Bieber Facts You Should Know About

1. Named the hottest star of 2009 by J-14 Magazine
2. Named newcomer of the year by MuchMusic
3. Listed as one of the Top 10 YouTube stars of the decade
4. His middle name is Drew
5. Born March 1, 1994, he is 15 years old. He is a Pisces
6. Favorite Color is purple
7. He wears a lot of purple
8. Favorite food is spaghetti
9. Speaks fluent French
10. He’s claustrophobic
11. My World 2.0 is due to come out on March 23, 2010
12. Justin’s idol is Wayne Gretzky
13. Prefers Mac computers
14. Favorite number is 96
15. Has a crush is Beyonce
16. His favorite shoe brand is Supra
17. His 3 #1 hits are One Time, One Less Lonely Girl and now Baby
18. His favorite shows are So You Think You Can Dance and Smallville.
19. He is very close to his grandparents. He lived with them.
20. His super power wish is to fly
21. It only takes him 20 minutes to get ready in the morning
22. On his first date he spilled spaghetti on his date’s shirt
23. Has a 4.0 grade point average
24. His favorite vacation spot is the Bahamas
25. He’s a really good beat boxer
26. His favorite basketball team is Cleveland Cavaliers
27. His favorite song that he wrote is Down To Earth
28. He hates Ugg boots
29. His favorite song is So Sick by Ne-Yo
30. His dog’s name is Sam and is a boy Papillon.
31. His favorite soda is Sprite
32. He is homeschooled by a tutor
33. Likes vitamin water
34. Loves orange juice
35. Has a half sister named Jazmyn & half brother names Jaxon
36. He is a lefty
37. He can play trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums
38. He likes Captain Crunch with Berries
39. He can count to ten in German
40. Once asked out Rhianna and got rejected
41. His best friends are Ryan butler, Chaz Somers and, Christian Beadles
42. His shoe size is 7.5
43. His moms name is Pattie
44. Likes sour patch kids
45. He broke his foot on stage during a song
46. Was discovered on YouTube performing on stage
47. He grew up in Canada
48. Signed with Island Def Jam
49. Likes playing soccer and basketball and hockey
50. His favorite slang word is shawty
51. Likes tacos
52. Favorite pie is apple
53. Likes to skateboard
54. Friends with Usher
55. Loves Tim Horton’s
56. First CD came out November 17, 2009
57. Favorite ice cream flavor is cotton candy
58. His dads name is Jeremy
59. He is 5 foot 3
60. Nick names are J-Beebs, Bieber, and Beebs
61. Justin racked up over 10,000,000 views on YouTube
62. He was 13 when he got signed
63. Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia
64. Started drumming at age two
65. Originally Justin put his videos on YouTube for friends and family
66. Usher and Justin Timberlake both wanted to sign Justin. He chose Usher.
67. Recorded most of his album in Atlanta.
68. Justin’s dad plays guitar, and his mom sings.
69. “One Time” isn’t directed to a specific girl, it’s directed at all girls.
70. Said he would date a fan
71. Expect his album out Summer-Fall ‘09
72. His family travels with him.
73. Won 2nd Place in Canada’s Stratford Idol.
74. His Long Island mall appearance was cancelled when thousands showed
75. Sang Lionel Richie’s part in the remake of We Are The World


There's one more fact I'd like to add to the list which I'm sure not many people knew...

76. Justin Bieber was born at 12:56am.


Anonymous said... [Reply]

Hi Justen I love you call me at (805)264-5831

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Hi my name is Alyssa I am 11 but I love you so badly Peace && love call me at (805)2645831 love ya bye

Joanna M.Zhang said... [Reply]

hi j-beebs!im joanna!im suuper obseesed with you!you r my idol!every time when any1 ask me 2 do something i would say..."did jb ask me 2 do this" and something like that!= i love to ride rollercoasters!,love animals,an A- student, love ur music...common denominator,luv me n down 2 earth r my fav!!! can you add me at joanna madinah [fb] n @claireroxxo twitter!!! u rox

Unknown said... [Reply]

hey justin i am deimante hey give me a call 16306401995 please u soooo hot at ur concerts love ya sooo musch k bye

Franz said... [Reply]

some of the stuff on here is not true! his favorite color is purple not blue! he even said it in an interview! ugh they should update this!!!

JBShrine said... [Reply]

Thanks, I was actually going to change the favorite color a long time ago but forgot. If there's anything else you think might not be right then leave a comment.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Hi Justin I love you you are my love forever

Anonymous said... [Reply]

to me justin bieber is just plain out gay...i have so many friends obsessed with him it is unreal...i do have to say tht i like his songs, just not him :/

Anonymous said... [Reply]

i love you justin bieber! you will always be my baby!!!!!!!!!!taylor

ThreEsunNy bIbeR biEberRan said... [Reply]

. justin you perfect and you someone in my heart

Anonymous said... [Reply]

People get a life he's just a boy that seems like he's gay

christy said... [Reply]

i love u justin bieber

abu said... [Reply]

that last fact that he was born at 12:56am i knew that fact long time ago!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3 i knew every single fact that has been writen above!!!!!!!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

I think you have to change his age cause now he is 16 :D

great blog BTW

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Hey Justin Bieber! i think u're cool man!!<3

Anonymous said... [Reply]

you may want to update that hes 5'6 now... he grew a lot lol

Anonymous said... [Reply]


Rani Oktaviani said... [Reply]


MattieAn said... [Reply]

One day, can u please visit our country for ur trip or concept? VietNam.

go follow me on twitter Beebs ^^

Anonymous said... [Reply]


Anonymous said... [Reply]

love u justin bieber!!!!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

hey were both leftys and homeschooled cool love u justin!!!

Anonymous said... [Reply]


Ashley said... [Reply]

Omg i love u so muchh<3 been to every concert know everything there is to knw bout u and btw need to update some stuff up there! my room is covered in pictures of u..(409)920-8836<3

Anonymous said... [Reply]

i think that ur mistaken justin im the one you've been looking not beyonce. i'm more hotter than her any day and i'll bet one that. shhhhh.... don't tell anybody that i said this because i'm at my frnds house, and she might get mad at me because i'm using her computer. plus anyone else who reads this and they think its stupid or to long than there.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

OMG I totally love you.

Shaleni Patel said... [Reply]

hi my names alissa and im 29 from india. i like little boys and your the TOP of my list. id love to have you as a pet. my favourite number is the opposite of yours! OMG! yours is 96, mine is 69 ;) its the number i enjoy doing the most, part of my everyday routine. maybe you should join. gabbys getting boring these days. IM FRIENDS WITH USHER TOO! me and him go waaay back, if you know what i mean ;) i saw you topless yesterday in the Bahamas.. yummy :D

Gabby Hodges said... [Reply]

my names gabby. i LOVE you sooo much. call me ;) my number 0276969696

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Haha! I already knew everything in here! Most of the stuff is the same with me(:. And he said he likes girls with alot of stuff same as him! :D

Anonymous said... [Reply]

hi JUSTIN BIEBER i want to see u in personal....

Jeishela Mae said... [Reply]

Most of All.. I'm Jeishela Mae but you can call me Shela :l I'm 13 yrs. old.. I live in Philippines

Justin Bieber.. I want you to visit our country here in PHILIPPINES.. :t I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!! and I want to see you in personal! All of your songs my favorite are the Down To Earth, Favorite Girl and Common Denominator.. And I hope my wish will come true.. :a

Savannah said... [Reply]

heey justin, im savannah i live in england so there is no point giving you my number its not like you would ring anyways! :'D
cant wait to see you at the o2 - im front row look out for me ;'] you are amazingly gorgeous<3
aand us London girls loove you very much!!! :'D

hannah said... [Reply]

i love you justin my email is hannah.h1@hotmail.co.uk add me please xxxxxxxxxxxx lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hannah said... [Reply]

call me o7535388849 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx im crazyy 4 uu

Anonymous said... [Reply]

my name is brigette barrientos. im from Philippines and im currently living in england... i just want to say thank you for treating your fans really well... and i will always be your number 1 fan..

and i will always be a belieber till the end...

justin u rock my world..

:t :b :m

Anonymous said... [Reply]

ahahaha :) heeyy ,i'm a girl and me and justin have the same middle name! taylor drew and justin drew :) F U N N Y!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

He is not going to call you. Hey! I think you dropped something... YOUR DIGNITY! Now go pick it up and find something more useful to do with your life.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

I don't get it,
why is everyone giving there phone
number and stuff and referring to
Justin was he on here or something??



Anonymous said... [Reply]

@Anonymoushe can`t date all of you at the same time!!!!!!get a life...it`s for free!!!AND HE WON`T DATE YOU.. he`s going to date me!!!!love you xoxo En FYI julle bitches gan NOOIT hom kan kry nie

Anonymous said... [Reply]

I love you sooo much justin bieber...i was at your concert in vancouver 2010....you were soo good!!!!

Unknown said... [Reply]

justin bieber is the hottest guy in the world!!!! i luv u justin!!! can i be ur latin girl???? call me at (405)680-9097 and ask for scarlett parton!!!! bye luv u 4ever and always justin!!!! LOVE UR BIGGEST FAN ~scarlett parton~ future MRS.BIEBER :T :M

Anonymous said... [Reply]

woooow:b he's perfect!:m

Anonymous said... [Reply]

I love his hair lmfaoo:f

Emi said... [Reply]

hahahahahaha, I was also born at 12, but 12 PM :P

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Hey Justin i'm a new fan of yours so i'd love to get to know you better, text anytime here's my number:
<333333 xoxoxo
-Winnipeg girl:b
p.s i was as so born March 1st but im 14 so yeah....

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Some Of This Is Wronq The Sinqinq Competition Was ''Stranford Star'' Not ''Canada's Stratford Idol'' && His Nickname isn't ''j-beebs'' It's ''J-Biebs'' Other Than That This is Awsome Even Thou iKnew All This !Awsome Page ! Keep Belibieng ! :)
-Love Belibers ! <3 && Never Say Never ! :D

Anonymous said... [Reply]

......we love u justin...

caitlin said... [Reply]

my name is caitlin and i come from edinburgh i am your no.#1 fan text or call of at any time my number is 07401403744

Emi said... [Reply]

he's now 5.7 not 5.3 anymore :)

Alex said... [Reply]

Justin. i think you are a great person. i love what you have done. all your songs are amazing and every time i listen to them (your songs) my heart beats faster. its really nice to know that you dont play around with love. you take it very seariously. not alot of people do that. and its nice to know that you mean what you say. you are so caring and thats what i love to see. your you and you dont let you populariy get to your head. thats really cool. your you and thats GREAT! keep up your head up and reach for the stars. dont let anyone put you down and dont let the haters get to you. you have more FANS than HATERS so just have fun and dont worry about those rude people.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

i love you

PurpleNinja said... [Reply]

@Anonymous why would u just put ur # out like that?

Anonymous said... [Reply]

justin is so hot

Anonymous said... [Reply]

justin txt me 09215673790

Anonymous said... [Reply]

i love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuch

Anonymous said... [Reply]

im sooooooo happy that justin is a singer he rocks my world :r

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Yeah its pretty cool

Anonymous said... [Reply]

i love u justin bieber the first time u came out i didnt like u but now u change my life keep doing what u doing i love u so so so so much bye i have bieber feaver i love u im your number one fan and i will never stop loving u :]

never say never ----love keanna

Ruth said... [Reply]

Heey, Justin! my name is Ruth iam a fan of youres. i love the way you say what you want through song i have been trying to do that all my life.(ok well not all my life). i think it would be a great honer to get your help on some of my stuff. your not just a pretty face you are a person and with feelinds and a heart. i think people over look that stuff just becouse they thing your sexy or whatvere, i mean dont get me wrong i think you are cute but i love you for your lyrics and personality! so if you would maybe think about it that would be great! Love you. My number is 519-284-8074. just incase even though i know you probebly wont. (P.S. i live in St.Marys)

Anonymous said... [Reply]

favourite toothpaste is colgate and he likes to brush his teeth in shower!

hayley jones said... [Reply]

hi my name is hayley and im a fan of yours i want meet you. iv seen your movie and it is so cute i want to get it but it looks like i have to wait for a long time if it is coming out soon im losing my mind.i have 4 brothers and 1 sister in my family and of course i have 1 mom and 1 dad but i have a step dad too.i could be on here all night.i am having a justin bieber sleep over at my house soon.im looking for tickets so i can see you.i dont like that you got shot on csi that is so not good i dont want you to get hurt.did i say im a big fan.i am 9 years old and im turnig 10 soon.oh and did i say that my frist brother looks just like you.i live in innerkip close to your home town.i want to see were you live so i can visit you sometime. bye talk to you later.

hayley jones said... [Reply]

hi it is hayley agina and i for got say my phone number is 5194693900 so you can call me.

hayley jones said... [Reply]

hi it is me hayley again there nothing to do but this.why are poeple being mean to you on this .com dont you think it is very mean why do they do that to you it is not nice.i have 4 posters of you im making a poster of you for my brithday and put some facts of you. my mom said there is a game and it is called plant a kiss on justin bieber are you okay with that well i have to go my mom has super ready for me so this is good bye see ya later.

hayley jones said... [Reply]

hi this is hayley and i just want to tell you that im a big fan of your music i need the cd but we have not went to the stor or the mall i have to go bye.

hayley jones said... [Reply]

#1 fan of justin bieber

PAIGE WHITEHEAD said... [Reply]


Anonymous said... [Reply]


Unknown said... [Reply]

Justin Bieber ! I love you sooo much ! omg i could marry youu im i have a million posters of you & i wish i can be one of your "one less lonly girl" At your concerts ! That would be dream come true ! Your my wallpaper on my phone ! & I wish i can meet you My names Joanna ! You and Selena are soo cute together im jealous ! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! You shoudl come to Milwaukee Wisconsin i would be the first in row and i would get back stage passes ! I wannna meet you so badly ! & get a picture call me pleasee ! 414-795-6797

blogqueen1117 said... [Reply]

your first cd came out on my bday!!!!!!!!!!! I FRICKEN LY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said... [Reply]

@Alexandra why would you put out your phone number?!

Unknown said... [Reply]

really get a life. ya'll are like crazy for putting your numbers in the internet like that, even if he does see it you think he wants to text much less date some girl whos gonna through herself at the first hot pop star she likes....NO. ya'll need to get a life and be put in an insane asylum!

Unknown said... [Reply]

Most of these facts are right! but one is that Justin did NOT spill spaghetti on his dates shirt. It was his first date and he was wearing a white shirt and he got spaghetti at the buffet and he accidently spilled it on himself.

Maddyrocks_123 said... [Reply]

Justin Bieber is the best and all the haters out there are just jealous because they aren't him. :r

Unknown said... [Reply]

hi justin bieber if your reading this.I cant say i love you becuzz i dont know you well anyway umm i dont know why but almost everybody likes you from your songs,your hair,and becuzz your hot i like you becuzz we have alot of things in common we both like the color purple were both love sour patch kids and a whole lot of things.well anyway if you can call me at (325)-232-7281 i juss want to at least hear your voice,becuzz i dont know we will juss talk about idk :r my name is roxy im using my bros account

Unknown said... [Reply]


Unknown said... [Reply]

hi my friend and cusin love <3 u but i dont

Unknown said... [Reply]

Hey Justin I have a 2 qustions for you 1. If I understand that you want a nice down to earth and fun and funny and love you for you not money like other celebertys? 2. I want to meet you but I know that won't happen so to let you know how I feel like we need to meet you always are on my mind like forever but I will give you my cell phone is 1-208-360-7891 and Justin call olny in California L.A. When I am at the beach ok and the truth is i am single and lonely if you need anyone I am here So see ya later. Karissa McCurdy

Anonymous said... [Reply]

we share the same birthday we love spaghetti are both homeschooled are both leftys looovvveeee sour patech kids love to skate board play the drums are both claustrophobic take 15- 20 minutes to get ready in the morning love the show smallville are verryyy close to our grandparents and used to live with them i am sooo awseome it is so amazing

Anonymous said... [Reply]

justin bieber is zoooooo goed en perfect en ook zo hot
hoe kan je hem niet leuk vinden
hij is gw-wel-dig

Anonymous said... [Reply]

justin bieber if ur reading this thats great but i luv u and u wont get off my mine but im a girl but i kno u would never go out wit a girl like me wat i mean is like im not famous and u r and i dont like u bcuz ur fame or money i luv u for who u r befor u became famous from the moment i first saw u i said wow he must be a nice guy and if u r reading this i wanted u to kno the turth from me and justin bieber if u want we can email my email is J.cole1220@gmail.com

Mae said... [Reply]


HIKARU UTADE said... [Reply]

Justin Bieber.. I want you to visit our country here in PHILIPPINES.. :t I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!! and I want to see you in personal! All of your songs my favorite are the Down To Earth, Favorite Girl and Common Denominator.. And I hope my wish will come true.. : JUST CALL ME HIKARU UTADE

Unknown said... [Reply]

oh my goodness im totally in love with you justin bieber. i love the way you never give up and follow your dreams i love you <3

Nurul Mufidah 1996_RPL said... [Reply]

i love you

Unknown said... [Reply]
This comment has been removed by the author.
Azhie13 said... [Reply]

:t i love justin hay my birthdays next week may 25

Unknown said... [Reply]

Omgee..Lol,I Know What Number's To Prank Call Now..Lol,Jk,Wow,I Never Knew That He Had So Many Crazyy Fans=]..Lol,Anywho,If You Ever Read This Justin,Which I Doubt U Ever Will,Is I Think U Are A Sensation,I'm You've Heard This Many Times,Keep Up Dng Ur Thing,Giving Other Ppl Hope That They Can Someday Shine Just As Much As U,And Like U Say "Never Say Never"=]
Arizona Gal=]

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Hi am Haley and why do so many girls like u they act like ur some amazing super heroe that's going to sweep them off their feet and take them away to some fantasy world were u will marry them it's just rediculious if u ask me and dont u ever get tired of them saying how much they love and how they wish that they were dating u

Anonymous said... [Reply]

And by the way right know because of u my cousin won't shut up about how much she loves u and wants to marry u and have 9 children with u now u might not think this is weird but I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:( this is torture

ali said... [Reply]

are u back in america yet!? pllllllleeeeaaaaaasssssse come to salisbury or ocean city md!!!

Leah's Personal Blog said... [Reply]
This comment has been removed by the author.
ubah_cool said... [Reply]

creepy much

katherine said... [Reply]

WOW! you have a lot of facts...thats cool..take care:D

Masquerade said... [Reply]

:n hey, Jb shrine U ROCK and if u read this JB I love u to the fullest extent!!!! :t

ketsy said... [Reply]

:b hes really 5 foot three i thought he was taller

klev29 said... [Reply]

Hey just im a 13 year old guy who has totally been inspired by ur music my whole family are nonbieliebers and i have to hide that i like you music!!! if you have any advice for me im already starting to give up my dreams cuz i cant go anywhere with them cuz my family :n

ZaynMine said... [Reply]

how is justin if he was signed by Justintimberlake?.

ZaynMine said... [Reply]

jb love dougie
jb is swag
jb loves gym
jb wants to have big abs
jb knows how to glide
jb loves soccer
jb loves basketball
jb loves skytops shoes
jb spend lot of time mostly with selena
jb have an iphone and blackberry
jb loves his fans
jb is kind
jb has some tattoos

kennedy0099 said... [Reply]

Hiyyaaa Justin Just gotta tell Yaa Yuur Gawjuss Keep Holding Selenaa she's A Luckyy Garl xxxx

kennedy0099 said... [Reply]

:g Selena is lucky being withh suchh a hot boyy Lykee Yuu Love yuu bare amounss!!!! xxx :t

Laura Hayes said... [Reply]

I am in Love with Justin Bieber:m

Anonymous said... [Reply]

:b I Love You JB
Very Very Love .............Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kiss

Nisha said... [Reply]

heyyyy!!! jussss i like you so much i probably knw everything bout u ..i love ur songs and waiting for your concert in india.. i am nisha one of the biggest lover of ur i like everythng about u please add me as ur twitter following i can do anythng to meet you!! u take my breath away with everythin u say <3 <3 <3.. i love you alot justin.. NISHA RAJPUT.. wants to be nisha bieber..

Nisha said... [Reply]

take care juss.. i knw that ur in mexico rite now.. love you..

Nisha said... [Reply]

hey juss hws you??? i message u daily in a hope that u'll message me atleast once as u said u'll date one of ur fan i wish it could be me .. i really love you alot jusss the only thing i do is think bout urself day n nite .. :t
i wanna hug u once u knw juss when i woke up in the mrng first thing i do is to see u and ur videos ..my room is full of ur posters ..i love every lil thing bout you..
for now bbyyyeee.. take care of urself ..
loveeeeee yaaaaaaa..
nisha bieber.. <3 <3 <3 <3
pleaseeee drop a message on my account (hatelovestorysnisha87@gmail.com)

kylie loves justin bieber said... [Reply]

heyaa justin i really like your so cute and hot i lov you and your song i really hope i could meet you witch i only think i will only see you on tell :/ i would love for you to call me it will be the best thing ever :) 07807335257 please

AyannaBelieber said... [Reply]

Hi justin bieber i love you and you have stolen my heart. i used to be madly in love with chris brown(i still am) but i am in love with you! justin bieber you are amazing and inspirational to everything i do. i wake up every morning and listen to you or watch you. you have no idea how much i love you. maybe one day i will meet you and hug you just maybe!!!!! love you justin bieber.

love always Ayanna Conover

rozy4 said... [Reply]

I love you I love your perfume. :t your the best in the world. :t :t:t :t :r

Ilma said... [Reply]

Awesome, but i already knew all the Bieberfacts about him! :I

adl said... [Reply]


Anonymous said... [Reply]

I Like Justin Bieber. His Songs Sound So Great. And He has The Most Cutest Eyes. Them Big Brown Stars are Just So Adorable, N His Smile, How can You Turn Away Them Pretty Brown Eyes N That Cute Smile.. I Also Like The Song Pray By Justin Bieber The Most. I also would like to meet him, It'll be nice if I could get some advice to Keep Singing. It Would Just Be So Amazingly Great To Actually Meet Him In Person.

katty123 said... [Reply]

hey justin im so inspierd by you your so amzing and u just give me the chills every time i here your music.im in foster care i have 5 brothers 4 sisters and i got took from my parents when i was 4 years old i havnt seen them since and the only thing that makes me feel better is you im now 14 and my name is kaitlyn born 1997 march 5 yea im abou to be 15 yay but i want to let you no that im probly like your biggest fan and like your so freakin hott! by the way my oldest brother he is 16 he trys to act like you look like you and sing like he loves you also he thinkds he is better than u no ur famous he not I LOVE YOU JUSTIB BIEBER UR MY FAVORIT SINGER !!!!!!!!!! never been to one of your concerts i beeen wanting to go so bad if only i could get tikets but my foster mom says she dosnt have enough money for ur tikets :( love u jb

little surfer girl said... [Reply]

Now hes 17 and was born on a tuesday :t

kianna said... [Reply]


=Now Hes 18
-Got a $100000 electric car
=Owns a $10.3 million home in Hollywood
-Is 5'6"
=Favorite Color is actually blue.
-Has own perfume line "Someday" As in "Someday your dreams will come true to."
='Baby' is the most searched, most discussed, and most watched video ever on youtube with almost 800 million views
-The video to 'Baby' has an equivalent of 5000 years of views
Enjoy ! :D

HAN HYE WOON (김 Ryeowook) said... [Reply]

is my dream,,,, love u justine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4ever... im your fans.....

Unknown said... [Reply]

Hi.... Justin i love u! Call me: +79280309704

Desi Bieber said... [Reply]

sorry justin but why couldnt you atleast make the contest earlier and longer i bearly found out about it and Halle won that could've been me i wish but now im so sad i didnt get to post my video :n

Unknown said... [Reply]

you people worship this guy what di he ever do for u besides just sing...plus hes girlfriend is a total bitch eatheir way inst watmost of u want is for him to break yp the that bitch ass selena soo u could have himm...even though thats never going to happen ...justin all i have to say is dont trust selena i know her way better than u do she just using u like she did with ...nick jonas and taylor lautner ...dont fall for it ur going to get heart

Unknown said... [Reply]

justin dont take this like a jelous fan cuz am not i like most of music im just not crazy about u all im saying is watch out for selen u dont know when shes gonna stab u on the back .....dont trust anybody but family am talling u by expirence....dont fall in love 2 hard

Unknown said... [Reply]

and if u do care about ur fans answer to wat i said i mean if ur a real man ....i still think u should dump selena she a fucking slut...bitch..ass hole..and way more hope she dies for using u like she is doing right now ...sometimes u should really trust ur fans cuz maybe thre more than fans u just dont knoe maybe im afriend of urs or hers or im family tell u like this cuz i cant tell u personally

Mizzpoohbear16 said... [Reply]

Justin bieber's favorite is not 96 it's just 6. Get your facts straight.

Mizzpoohbear16 said... [Reply]

@kianna actually he prefers purple sweetheart

Unknown said... [Reply]

his favourite colours are purple and blue also his favourite number is 6 (not 96) He is now 18 and he also met usher in a carpark

Unknown said... [Reply]

Hey.jb i know you ate taken by selena but can u call me so i can ask for advice on my two songs called haters everywhere and changes my names adrian and my num is 516~943~0478

Unknown said... [Reply]


Unknown said... [Reply]

his favorite color is blue his favorite color to wear is purple

Unknown said... [Reply]

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Alyssa and i am 13.

Nagendra K said... [Reply]

Yes this is really facts and truth...

Nagendra K said... [Reply]


Nagendra K said... [Reply]

Hello Alyssa how are you i'm your friend of facebook..

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