One more post for the road as I think this is a more appropriate last post and helps sums
up what we've been saying for over a month now. (And of course reps lie.)
up what we've been saying for over a month now. (And of course reps lie.)
This was the day we've been waiting for.
As we have said, Selena Gomez always wears her purity ring to big events and the People's Choice is
one of the biggest. No purity ring this time. But I do see a sparkling diamond bracelet (which Justin's rep has denied). And even if that isn't the diamond bracelet that JB gave her is she trying to send a message by wearing one instead of her purity ring when there are reports that he bought her a diamond bracelet and not wearing her purity ring when there are reports that she stopped wearing one fo JB? Hmmmmm.... Something to think about.
So is she no longer pure? Or is she sending a statement just days after being photographed kissing Justin Bieber?
Btw, Selena Gomez and her band The Scene beat Justin in the Breakthrough Artist category. Shocking.
Thanks everyone. And always support and celebrate Justin Bieber <333
@Anonymous, No, I don't think so. Maybe she was trying to make a point like Daisy said. Justin said in almost 1 million interviews that he wanted to stay pure untill marrige. That's basically what a abstinece ring states. Maybe she took it off because shes now 18? O.o maybe we just havent noticed that she has taken it off. Her birthday was in June, we saw them together in early December. There is a good chance that she took it off for her 18th year. I do think they are dating and want to hide it but I don't think they have had sex. But if they did, Us, as fans should be happy it was with Goodie-two-shoes-Disney-starlet Selena Gomez who we all must admit is goregeous. And even if they are dating I can understand why he would want to tell us, I mean, Look what us as beliebers have done to Selena and him because of a rumor. If I were Justin I wouldn't tell my fans about my personal life either. Its really sad how I see some fans, Changing there twitter and unfollowing JB. Proves that they werent real fans. But there are over 18,ooo,ooo of us. And realationships in hollywood only last about 6 months to a year anyway. everybody has realationships, I don't see what is so wrong with Justin Bieber having one. He is a teenager, and has secrets, Everyone does.
She took it off summer 2009!! not because of justin bieber!
oh! well! I have no idea to judge!
but I dont care who justin dates! tho everyone would have the mixed up sad and happy feeling!
but I wanna accept that is none of my business!!!!
apparently justin didn't post the link for the BAC because he wanted selena to win!
i doubt justin is even dating selena. the pictures look posed probably a publicity stunt so that people cant say he's gay and selena gets more attention.
so you think justin biebers gay??? or are you saying that the hater cant say hes gay?
Oh come on Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber but I dont really think they got something going on. She probably took her ring off and didnt put it back on.
i dont like selena, but i've gotta admit her legs look gorgeous in that pictures
i dont believe justin is gay. i just dont believe in his relationship with selena. if it turns out they are both truly, madly in love (with each other. lol).. well, then i guess they proved me wrong. but despite the evidence, i just cant see those two together, its awkward.
hey jbshrine is the best! ur not gonna close it! say no!
Close... the jb shrine is closing? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! this the best site 4 info, i Luv it!! btw that pic look's sooooooooooooo photoshopped. Look at her face cafefully ! xxx
i wanna respect his decisions too,but it gives me heartache.
pls dont close jbshrine!
its the best site ever!i think its normal to hate selena,because or so much love for jb:t
can anyone explain why jb shrine is closing?
nooooooo no dont close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz u see this site has many fans
Why the hell is jb shrine closing??
awwh, no please dont!!
All the other sites are well crap!!
Nooooooo, you seriously CANNOT close. This site is ah-mazing for information and your so up to date with all the bieber goss. Can someone explain exactly why Justin Biber Shrine is closing, i need to know why.
This is bad news :d
pls don't close ur site! This is the best JB site ever. I understand u being sad when u aren't get much support from us.(JB fans r probably the worst fans..)
But pls don't close this brilliant website.
why wud u close it? atleast tell why?
this is the BEST site of JB like ever will you plssss dont close this site!! and can you at least tell us why?
why why why?/
Noooooo..ur work is soooo amazing!
dai i dont know about them having sex but i thin she may be using him but i am a JB fan so i dont wana hat just giving a pice of mind ...
plz dont close it it is the best JB site ever
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