Thanks to "Stratford Guy" for submitting Pattie's year book pictures to the site.
"I went to high school with Justin's parents, here are pictures of his Mom I found in the year book, from 1991 and 1993."This looks like when she was 16 or 17 and since she gave birth to Justin when she was 17 it probably means that Justin was already growing in her stomach when these pictures were taken. Kinda weird to think of it that way but quite interesting.
Btw, we also have Justin's year book picture here.
Stratford Guy, can you submit a picture of Jeremy's year book picture? Then we can see if Justin and his dad look alike at the same age.
wow this is really cool!
lol .. that what im thinking about..
i wanna see jeremy year book..bcause wanna see that his face like justin bieber or not..:D
How come in the class pics for Pattie there are 2 pattie Mallettes? What are the chances?
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