HARRISBURG, Pa.—A central Pennsylvania girl seriously injured in a car crash has received flowers from teen heartthrob Justin Bieber thanks to a Facebook campaign launched by her fellow students.
The Patriot-News reports the 16-year-old pop star sent two dozen roses to 14-year-old Elizabeth McCleerey on Saturday. Another teen idol, 13-year-old Cody Simpson, visited McCleerey in person last week.
McCleerey remains hospitalized following a late October car crash that injured her and four others. She has had to relearn how to speak but her mother says she remembers all the words to both performers' songs.
A fellow freshman at Cumberland Valley High School started the group, which drew the backing of National Guard soldiers and has more than 3,000 supporters.
Read more about Elizabeth's story here.
Wow. That's crazy.. I used to be in that school district a few years ago, and I would be a sophomore at CVHS right now had I not moved.. I hope she gets better soon!
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