Well, there’s one of our readers who tipped us that Justin Bieber “might” just be doing a famous fictional vampire hunter in movies. Ricky Anillo chimed in that: “I heard from someone at Harper that Justin Bieber is up for the part of Alex Van Helsing, teen vampire hunter from the book series”. That might be a cool idea if it is really confirmed, ain’t that right, Bieber fans?
Just like the Stephanie Meyer books, Vampire Rising series by Jason Henderson has a lot of cult following. Alex Van Helsing is a 14 year old decendant of a vampire hunter. He’s trapped in a boarding school near Lake Geneva in Switzerland. This is where his adventure began as he uncovers a secret school for vampires. That’s kind of Harry Potter-meets-Twilight, huh?
Are you digging the storyline for this supposedly Justin Bieber flick in the future?
wow. that seems kinda cool. do u think justin is such a great actor that he can fit to that role?
I think he might need acting lessons but if he makes this movie 3 million girls will watch it even if he is bad. <3 luv you lots jb
I think he is kind of young for the role.
people shouldn't go see the movie just because he's in it
There's a new cover fr the next Alex Van Helsing book-- it looks even more like Bieber. Is that a hint? http://www.harpercollinscatalogs.com/harper/503_1857_333030383732.htm
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