Bieber, the biggest teen idol of the moment, is scheduled to appear at a private event only for winners of a contest put on by KIIS FM, host Ryan Seacrest and Def Jam Records. The event is billed as a day to “hang out” with Bieber and Seacrest.
Disney is expecting “several hundred” winners, said George Savvas, a Disneyland Resort spokesman, in an e-mail message.
“Bieber Fever: A Live Streaming Event,” is scheduled to be Web cast on Seacrest’s Facebook page at at 6 p.m. Friday.
“This is the only way for people who did not win the opportunity to be there in person to ‘take part’ in the event. It will not be visible to guests in the park who are not contest winners,” Savvas said. “Guests who inquire in person will receive the same information.”
Disney officials refused to release the exact location within the park or what time it would begin. Winners will learn the location when they check in at Disneyland. The media (including the Orange County Register) is not invited to the event.
Disney has tried to keep private other events by big-time celebrities, but the park hasn’t always been successful in keeping away fans. In November 2008, some mothers hid behind bushes and rushed the Disneyland gates to try to get into a semi-private Jonas Brothers’ book-signing event. Read about the Jonas Brothers event HERE.
Fans sometimes get glimpses of famous musicians, includingMiley Cyrus, during the filming of the Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade, which isn’t publicly announced but occurs during regular park hours. Disney Channel star Selena Gomez and musician Stevie Wonder performed in November for the T.V. show.
Bieber, now 16, got attention from record companies and top singers Usher and Justin Timberlake after posting videos of himself performing on YouTube in 2007, according to Bieber’s bio. He signed on with Island Records in October 2008. His album, My World 2.0, was released Tuesday.
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