Are you Justin Bieber's biggest fan? Do you know every word to all of his songs? Is your room plastered with Bieber posters? Well, we want you to prove your fandom — and reward it with a prize from the star himself!
All you have to do is head over and upload a video of yourself telling and showing why you are the biggest Justin Bieber fan on the planet. We'll then take a look and decide who has the most impressive and creative video — and the winner will get a special personalized gift package: an autographed hat and CD! The winner will be chosen by Justin himself!
Here are the rules for entry: Videos, which must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET Sunday, March 28, must be approximately 30 seconds long and must include contact information. Upload to and tweet the link to your video @MTVNews along with the hash tag #BiggestBieberFan. Beyond that, all bets are off! Make up a dance or a song (remember, you can't use copyrighted songs), paint a picture, tell a story — get creative! Just prove that you love Bieber more than everyone else!
So put on your thinking caps, turn on your cameras, show us why you love Bieber — and the prize can be yours! Good luck!
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