16 January 2011
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Jessica Jarrell
Selena Gomez
» Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were a couple at Jessica Jarrell's birthday party
Dress Up Game Dress Justin up in various clothes and accessories.
Face In A Hole Put yourself in the same picture as Justin.
Bubble Game An addictive game Tetris like game
Hit Justin Bieber Game Throw stuff at him on stage for points (haterish).
There also tweets from @tiaalesewong @sienna_s and @brandonsmithCEO.
Its so obvious that their dating and JB nad selena know that everyone knows about them so why don't they make it official ?
maybe becuz they know how awkward it is! lol
can't you just leave them alone!! maybe they dose'nt make it offical because they're just flirting or maybe they just want to have privat life!! why do belibers act like they have a right to know everything about him and his privat life?
thank u thats wat ive been trying to tell people he has a right to date who he pleases and if beliebers r real fans they would respect that and be happy for him
seriously people leave them alone im not a fan of selena but if they want to date they have a right to and ur not a real fan if u dont respect that I LUV U JUSTIN!!!!!!!!
She's so desperate and its kinda nasty..she's like 2 years older then him....Jessica jarrell and Justin Bieber make a cuter couple....Team JB and JJ.....SORRY SELENA BUT IM STILL IS A FAN AND UR STILL PREETY NO HOMO! LUV U JUSTIN
:s Justine & Selena make a cute couple :t :r
:s Justine & Selena make a cute couple :r
this is very shocking statement of justin bieber for his fans, lover that "No birthday bash" http://searchesntopics.com/2011/03/01/no-birthday-bash-justin-bieber/
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