Justin Bieber is reportedly being investigated by police in Richmond, British Columbia after an alleged incident at laser tag facility ... this according to various reports in Canada.You wouldn't see this posted here unless I made sure it's at least a real report. Both the local paper and radio news (now TMZ also) are running the same story.
Police are investigating 16-year-old Justin Bieber for allegedly assaulting a 12-year-old boy at Planet Lazer in Richmond, British Columbia the other night!!
Supposedly, Justin and child got into an altercation while playing laser tag, that resulted in Justin "pushing" the boy - A staff member at Planet Lazer, who wishes to remain anonymous, gave ZackTaylor.ca this exclusive statement on what exactly happened:
"The 12-year-old kid was surrounding Justin in the corner with his other little friends and shooting him during the game with their laser guns. Justin did what any other person would do during a laser tag game, and was just trying to get away from getting shot at and accidentally hit the kid while running away. The kid's sister said he started crying because he was hit hard, but when we saw the boy there was no marks or anything. Justin stuck around after in the lobby explaining what happened, when the kids parents decided to call the police. On a side note: Justin used the nickname, JOE DIRT, while playing laser tag."
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Richmond confirm that the boy sustained minimal injuries and did not require any medical attention at the time.
Tess Marti, the daughter of Michael Marti who owns Planet Lazer, had this to say to us about how the situation ended:
"Justin told police he accidentally touched the 12-year-old's face, and after police interviewed witnesses they let Justin and everyone else go. The next day the cops came to my house to ask a few more questions to my dad, but that was it."
With getting made fun of for having a new nail polish line coming out, Shawty Mane needed some better street cred.?! Sounds like the parents of the boy are trying to make a quick buck!!
UPDATE: I guess Justin paid for the whole gaming experience, in more than one way, as ZackTaylor.ca has gotten our hands on the receipt...
are you serious like of course the 12 yr old boy wud say tht not many ppl like him i mean like i luv jb but thats really low like how MJ waz assulted of a 11 yr old boy i mean that rwally low JB wud never ever ever ever do that in his life wth!! like i wud punch that kid write in the mouth soo no complainin..
this is stupid justin knows enough not to hit a kid cuz he might get in a lot of trouble.....the kids just a lying brat and HE needs to be thrown out!!!!!!!!!
omg jb would NEVER do anything like tht! it was probably just an accident!!! gosh tht boy who told on jb is such a freakin brat and probably wanted attention... gosh this pisses meh off!
Guys this is what the story was,
it was that he was being crowded by people and he was pushing his way through and there was a kids face in the way and he accidently pushed it, thats what I was told.
it does not matter if this is true or not. it's none of our concern.
I live in Maryland. Our state police almost arrested Justin Bieber for assaulting a police officer a couple months ago ;)
okay, i couldnt ever see justin purposely hitting a 12 year old. its not in his character and if i did happen i have no doubt in my mind that it was an accident. thats just not himm.
this is honestly a joke... justin wouldnt do that. he was just playing laser tag.and was playing the game.since the kid is probally 2 feet tall justin might of accidentally pushed his face instead of a shoulder.this is wooow. that 12 year old.... wish i could punch him
he shot my weiner with a lazer. it got burnt off. bieber owes me a new weiner, preferably one that is lazer-proof.
hey 12 year old girls: stop bitchin. im sick and tired of ur justin beiber shit. its gotten way out of hand and by saying that u wanna punch that kid in the mouth is a threat and can get u arrested after they trace ur IP
this guy is really annoying ^^^
this is a place for people like us who can say things about good things about bieber, not for idiots like you to come and swear at us so leave us alone
this is stupid............who cares jb hit a kid
I absolutely LOVE jb.....I know inside that must have been protecting his body and his hair..
Oh, God. Shut up! Learn grammar and spelling before you post! Jesus Christ, it's like reading binary!
And.... Hahahahahaha. He's being charged. ha.
What kind of person comes to a fansite and worry about teenager's grammar? are you a teacher?
I think it's rude.. :/
Not Justin but the parents.
I mean the word "accidentally" was obviously present during that scene! How people love money so much these days... >.<
i say the little boy made an accident into something so big just because it was a pop star, & new they could get money out of it. smh' i still love you justin <3
Okay, Justin Bieber has serious issues. :/
He was [alright] at first. [[before he gained popularity]]
Now, he's abusing it and he thinks he can get away with it. He should remember that just cause he's famous now, doesn't mean that he should think he's the world..:|
I just read this article, cause other sources did not state specifically what happened.
i bet justin probaly did it after all of thoses other police things about justin
this i s just stupid this kid has big problems i mean justin wouldnt hurt anyone or anything he so sweet his eyes are so dreamy xx luv you jb that 12 yr old is the faggot dont listen to them just listen to your heart xx
i doubt this is what happened justin would never punch a kid in the face and if he did the kid had to do something wrong. it just doesnt seem like justin in my opinion
all i want to know is there more than one anonymous because these little ones just aren't getting the joke. as a parent i wish you "we"all could find something better 2 do with our time.all i do know is justin should hold on to some money and make friends with vanilla ice (look him up kiddies) puberty is coming soon :)
I heard that the kid called Justin a fag. Cruel cruel cruel...
Ok, well I think it's safe to say that all jb lovers are total dorks. Y was a 16 year old kid playing laser tag anyways? I'll tell u y, because he is too big of a pussy to play paintball. He might chip a nail or something. U people should listen to some real music, like rage against the machine, something that has a deep meaning, not just some misconception of love, which is apparently shown to someone by buying them stuff. And what fruitcake made this blog? Was it that possibly homosexual kid from the YouTube video "I declare war on all Justin beiber haters"? I agree with him that threats are a little too much, but people are taking jb a little too seriously. He's pretty much got a cult of 13 year old girls and a few gay guys. He's 16 years old and he hasn't gone through puberty yet, I'm almost 2 years younger than him and I could throw him across a room. All I'm saying is that u people need to stop listening to this kid, cuz he's just gonna end up screwing u over and u won't realize it untill u move on.
I loveeeeeeee jb... and i do NOT think he would do anything like this
i dont think he hit the kid to be honest, he might of touched his face by accident, but he would never hit a kid, i mean, he is way to nice, that kid is just immature, and being a cry baby, he is 12 year old, not 2. plus if he did start crying he shouldn't of surrounded around Justin anyway, if it was me i would tell them to piss of! but thats just me hehe :), ANYWAY- that kid has to grow up. he clearly just wants to be noticed:\.
wateva thiz iz all lies why would a cute/sexc boyy like justin do sumtin like dat 2 that lil boy like b real :c
this is all retarted it was an acident pl should get over it like really
Daisy and Bieber Fans!! Please check out my NEW Remix music video to Justin's "Boyfriend". As an artist all I can hop for is that my hard work and creativity can be atleast looked at. If you like it please comment, share, like etc. Thanks so much! - A.I. Muzic
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