According to Google Insights for Search*, for the last 90 days or ever since the Youtube sensation burst into global stardom, The Philippines has been leading the world in interest in the keyword 'Justin Bieber', which I believe translates to interest in the pop star himself.
Proof? HERE.
Here's the regional interest chart for the said keyword as of May 29, 2010:
1. Philippines 100
2. Indonesia 78
3. Ecuador 76
4. El Salvador 75
5. New Zealand 72
6. Guatemala 57
7. Dominican Republic 57
8. Panama 56
9. Costa Rica 55
10. Peru 50
The numbers don't lie. Clearly, nowhere else in the world is Justin Bieber more popular than in the Philippines.
TECH PINASTotal views as of 12:18 AM May 29, 2010:
YouTube Honors for this video (6)
#10 - Most Discussed (All Time)
#3 - Most Discussed (All Time) - Music
#3 - Most Viewed (All Time)
#2 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Music
#19 - Top Favorited (All Time)
#8 - Top Favorited (All Time) - Music
Had Tech Pinas been coming to JBShrine they would have known this a long time ago. :P
Read what I wrote up back on February 13, 2010.
indonesia is in 2nd... :) proud to be a belieber!! proud to be filipino!! wasn't hard infesting my friends with bieber's just highly contagious....just play a song and show em a picture and bang!!!
lol. no number for malaysia..but i'm proud to be belieber! ;)
man im so proud to be filipino!
well i love justin bieber and thats all that matters :)
@dhiine : yeah !! filipinos are a proud belieber !! xDD im a real filipino who loves a canadian teen singer JUSTIN BIEBER !! XDD
yippppee! This d proof tht we really love and care to Justin Bieber, luckiLy, I'm one of the Filipino Beliebers here. :DD
Cool! I'm a Filipino Belieber! Go, Bieber! Everybody, let's make Justin go to the Philippines!
im sooo proud please god!!i ope he comes to manila im gonna buy the most expensive ticket i promise!!! P.S. i am a super proudd filieber i wish the best to him on his way here :) MABUHAY FILIPINOS!! :)
YESSSSSSSSSSSS.bieber should come here!!!!!!!
yes! filipinos are true beliebers! the bieber fever is contagious!
OMG!:) filipinos like justin bieber so much!:) and i love justin bieber so much!:) so i wish justin bieber will go here in the Philippines. :) WE LOVE BIEBER :"> ♥ FILIPINOS ARE PURE BELIEBERS :)
yess, ECUADOR is in 3rd(: haha
ecuadorians are loving him :DD
GUATEMAAAAALAAAA! we are good! i thought we weren't that muchh! :) GREAT! hahah
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