Someone's been working out.
OMG sorry but I have to analyze his hot shirtless body.
Arms definitely bigger. The chest is taking form too. Abs? Check! 6 pack no less.
Arggghhh that damn Selena. So lucky that she gets a piece of that!
Dress Up Game Dress Justin up in various clothes and accessories.
Face In A Hole Put yourself in the same picture as Justin.
Bubble Game An addictive game Tetris like game
Hit Justin Bieber Game Throw stuff at him on stage for points (haterish).
Hey you cannot know that he sent the pictures to Selena !!!
But the video is soooooo HOT !!!
SMEXY!! :b
This is the kind of post ive been waiting for... nice find :)
lol. he is SO curvy for a guy.
:f OMG honestly SELENA G is so LUCKY as hell i wish he was MINE!!!<3
:k I LOVE JB AND HIS BODY hahahahah P.S im VIKI
JB IS HOTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AS A FIRE !!!!! uhh <3 P.S viki wow i wrote 3 comments now ahahhahaha
the video is not there
JB is sooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy :m
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