This pic looks kinda weird right? I think this is a Brazilian magazine.
(image via OceanUp)
JSCKiDS has just reported that JB might guest star on Selena Gomez's Wizard of Waverly Place but I don't think it's going to happen.
They posted this video which I know is an old video from January 2010 and since then there has been no news further of this happening.
In the eyes of teenage girls around the globe, Justin Bieber is a heartthrob who can do nothing wrong.I'm speechless. I absolutely hate it when people use the name of God to spread hate. God doesn't hate a 16 year old pop star nor does he hate homosexuals. Why would God hate his own creation? If you are truly religious then you should love all of God's children.
But in the eyes of a specific sect of mentally unbalanced church goers, this 16-year old is a shaggy-haired example of all that's wrong with the world.
At last night's concert in Kansas City, members of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church protested Justin "to remind all of those in attendance that America's destruction is imminent."
What's their specific beef with Bieber? The group says he "has a platform given to him by God to speak to this world; he has a duty to teach obedience by his actions and words. He refuses to do that because he knows his concert halls would be empty! So, he teaches you to sin and rebel against God's commandments."
Well, sure... but just look at that adorable face!
Earlier this month, the church also protested Lady Gaga concerts in St. Louis and Oklahoma City. They did the same to Adam Lambert last summer, rallying against his homosexuality.
Members have been known to show up at funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan with signs reading "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "God Hates Fags." They criticized Bieber for performing last Christmas in Washington where "he got to pose with Anti-Christ Beast Obama," adding:
"He and Obama are of one mind and they are leading this nation to hell! Justin will answer to God!"
That's possible. But when he does, God will likely give the dude props for setting a new YouTube record.
Dress Up Game Dress Justin up in various clothes and accessories.
Face In A Hole Put yourself in the same picture as Justin.
Bubble Game An addictive game Tetris like game
Hit Justin Bieber Game Throw stuff at him on stage for points (haterish).