We don’t think wishing death upon the Biebs is necessary, but we are kind of amazed by his ability to cross over from teeny bop heartthrob to a legitimate star with serious magazine editorials. Then again, the choice is not entirely shocking on Vanity Fair‘s part. Bieber is definitely one of the biggest and most relevant artists of the past couple of years and his star is continuing to rise. And according to Barbara Walters, he is one of the most fascinating people of the year. Plus, Miley Cyrus had that scandalous spread in 2008 and the Conde mag has put a few of teen stars on the cover before. In 2003, Amanda Bynes, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, Mandy Moore, Hilary Duff, Alexis Bledel, Evan Rachel Wood, Raven Symone and Linsay Lohan all shared a double cover and the youngest of the bunch was 15. However, Justin, 16, may be the youngest boy to cover the mag and as far as we know, he’s going it alone.
This cover could definitely help him reach a new audience and allow him to be seen in a more serious light, or it could backfire à la Miley, though we doubt he’ll be dressed and posed as seductively as any of the aforementioned girls. We do wonder what he’ll wear. A suit, perhaps? Maybe the shoot was the reason for his recent haircut. The focus of the piece will likely be Bieber’s musical documentary, which is due to come out in February. Vanity Fair recently interviewed the director John M. Chu, who also directed Step Up 3-D. With this, the Love spread and the variety of girly beauty products he has coming out, it looks like 2011 could be a good year for the Biebs.
The Vanity Fair photoshoot, interview, and pictures
I :t justin biber! :b
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