Omg i am like crying right now. He is SOOO FREAKING HOT! I am seriously his biggest fan. I know everything about him. ik what toothpaste he uses his shoe size what time he was born, what city he is every night on his tour, where he brushes his teeth (In the shower)... OHMYGOD :t
This isn't the full video
this is the full interview it was hilarious - here is the link
Ever we one is kind of freaking out cause he said porn lol
just wanted to let you know :) im sure everyone would love to see the full interview
Thank you. I switched the videos to the full interview. <3
Oh so that's where he got the drawn mustash idea thing xD
Omg i am like crying right now. He is SOOO FREAKING HOT! I am seriously his biggest fan. I know everything about him. ik what toothpaste he uses his shoe size what time he was born, what city he is every night on his tour, where he brushes his teeth (In the shower)... OHMYGOD :t
uhmmm @Masha no offense, but thats really creepy
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