Justin revealed to Access Hollywood: 'I want to be a young dad. I don't want to be old and not be able to kick around a soccer ball. I'd probably get married at around 30. I'm young, I'm able to produce this book, make a movie and I like to be young and do all this.
Even though Justin is the male music leader, he said that he isn't that cool: 'I'm not even that cool, like seriously.. what is so cool like that you freak out? These girls crying, it's like I can't believe that, I'm so honoured that you're crying but, I don't know, it's crazy to me!' On his book:
'I wanted something with my own words. To describe what I'm going through and describe how I got here. I want people to look up to me, I want people to say, 'You know, I look up to you'. The humour in it, it's just funny, it's fun. There are so many surprises in here that you're just going to be like, 'What?' & a lot of things people don't know about me.'
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