Well why not? I know many of you say you're happy for JB but come on let's be honest here. If you had a chance you'd push her down a cliff.
Well have no fear my fellow Beliebers as many of you have taken that responsibility seriously.
Here are some rather interesting tweets sent to Jasmine V:
__OhM****ber___ : Oh Jasmine.. If you date Justin Bieber I’m sure beliebers’ll kill you (: @JASMINEVILLEGAS
WeHa****asemin: JASMINE WE HATE U WE KILL U leave JUSTIN!!!! @jasminevillegas
inn****dB: @JASMINEVILLEGAS IHATEU withALLMYHEART Uare UGLY Icant believethat JB can be withU;Ihateu more thanANYTHING!SLOT,WHORE..a bitch(: FU** YOU!
Fu******mine: @jasminevillegas STOP USING JUSTIN FOR HIS FAME YOU LITTLE WHORE!!!!
Fu******mine: @JASMINEVILLEGAS http://twitpic.com/1tf5em – you’re a fu**ing ugly whore!!!! don’t think you’re cool ugly bitch
liv****eebelieb: @jasminevillegas you’re so fu**ing ugly. You can’t fu**ing sing. And you’re a whore. Fu** off. Kbye.
boy****okatme: @JASMINEVILLEGAS i wud tell u to jump off a cliff buh it wud prolly run wen it saw ur ugly ass face!!! just sayin
Nes****x3: @JASMINEVILLEGAS You know what I hate you! You are soo stupid you destroy millions of teenagers dreams! BYE you ugly bitch!
Leila****arie: @justinbieber dont go out with jasmine v shes a BITCHAhhhh. Doesn't reading these put a bit of a smile on your face? Come on tell the truth. The truth will set you free!! :p
Oh and it's not too late. @jasminevillegas Go! Go!
LOVED THE POST DAISY!!!! TOTALLY AGREE WITH IT!!! i really wish my parents would let me hav a twitter... i would soooooo be making like a hate comment every 5 min!
wait i need some help! i know the making out pics were real but did they really date??
Well, I would honestly push her down a cliff. But, why hate her?! If you love Justin Bieber more than anyone, don't hurt one of his loved ones. :)
Like seriously. Idk what's worse.. them sending her death threats or you telling them to. He deserves to date somebody, he's a teenager and deserves to feel love without his girlfriend getting death threats. I wonder what the heck you will be doing when he gets married.
I'm with you!
Why r ppl so mean? So maybe Jasmine and Justin r dating, it doesn't give ppl the rite 2 bash Jasmine lyk tht. Yeah I was shocked about the rumors, but come on guys lets face reality. Did we really have a chance? And anyway he is probably turned off with all those comments some of those girls made. Don't get me wrong I'm a true belieber...but this is just 2 far. =/
i agree with @Get A Life. i mean seriously. fuck you.
wow...yall need to get a life! I mean don't get me wrong Jb is like my everything.....but this has gone TOO far!
finding the truth like they might be dating does break my heart:/ ( I mean to the point of almost crying) but...I will suck it in...because if he's happy, then I'm happy. But if she breaks his heart I am gonna go physco bitch on her. but bashing on her when she hasn't done anything is wrong. we only bash her when she provokes us by using him.( if she really is.)
Justin Bieber Is My Man And If She Dates Him I Will Indeed KILL HER :c
oh my god this is so mean. some beliebers are so mean its shocking. :o leave jasmine alone
Celebrities could care less about your opinion on who they date hahahaha!!! Find a new hobby!!
ur fuckin rediculous....get a life
ur fuckin rediculous....get a life
ur fuckin rediculous....get a life
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