I have never noticed this before. Did you?
Dress Up Game Dress Justin up in various clothes and accessories.
Face In A Hole Put yourself in the same picture as Justin.
Bubble Game An addictive game Tetris like game
Hit Justin Bieber Game Throw stuff at him on stage for points (haterish).
i kinda like it!!! hee hee
he metioned it before in a interview and in this child hood pic u can see his earing.. he got both of them pierced i like it its cute :)
Dang! He just gets hotter doesn't he?
yah, ive noticed it. and ive seen a pic with him ryan, chaz and christian when he has it in. he acatually has both of his ears pierced...old news! but i think its hott!!! :)
yah i have. and where did u get this book.like what store?barns and noble?or like where??
The book is on sale everywhere starting today.
Yha he has both of his ears done!
But he should where it more often!!!
could i get it a book storee??
Yeahh he said he has both of his ears pierced but he never really wears them... apart from here
yes, I noticed it before. Saw him wearing one on his pic w/ Caitlin and Christian
oooooohhhhh thats just freaking hot
i love you jb
I have it's cute and the book is great I read it
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