Bieber is the latest celebrity to get the comic book treatment from Bluewater Productions' omnipresent "Fame" series, and though the otherworldly cover might have you thinking superhero, rest assured it's biographical just like the rest of them. (A cartoon of Canadian public housing wouldn't really lend itself to the medium.)
Out Oct. 20, Bieber's "Fame" makes multiple comparisons between the teen pop star and The Beatles and follows his story from childhood, to the YouTube years (months?) and through to his first headlining tour. It's not like they really had a lot to go on.
In a press release, Bluewater president Darren G. Davis seemed quite excited about the book, saying "One of the goals is trying to get kids away from the video games and reading more."
You know... that and making money.
Bieber's not the first or the last celebrity to get the "Fame" treatment. Upcoming titles include the abdominal histories of both Taylor Lautner and David Beckham.
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