NEW YORK, NY – Miley Cyrus has called it quits with her Aussie Hunk. She’s set her sights on a new target! Justin Bieber!
Miley Cyrus and Aussie actor Liam Hemsworth dated for over a year before calling it quits. Cyrus has been no stranger to the media, even at the ripe-old age of 17. She’s made a dramatic change from sweetheart on her Hannah Montana show to her sexier image today. Cyrus has not been afraid of pushing the envelope and needs someone who will do the same – Hemsworth wasn’t that guy.
The breakup comes just a day after news broke that Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian were dating. Cyrus and Kardashian share one thing in common – they crave the spotlight. Cyrus is in a rush to grow up and needs/wants all the publicity she can get. There is no doubt that Bieber is a magnet for media attention and Cyrus has zeroed in on the pop star.
“I’ve always admired Justin,” Cyrus told Weekly World News. “He is so talented and he’s just adorable. For some reason, I’ve always believed that Justin and myself were meant to be together. I’m following my heart on this one.”
WWN asked Bieber about Cyrus and her latest developments.
“Miley is very talented and it’s unfortunate to hear about her breakup. She’ll be just fine. As for me, I’m a one-woman kind of guy.”
haha. This article probably got some of you fired up. No worries Beliebers. JBiebz is a single man. This looks like a spoof. - Daisy
omb - im not a cyrus hater- but i hate the fact that she dates every guy available - when she was with liam she was like "justin isn't my type" and now that they broke up she is saying that he is adorable WT !!?
I dont really think they are good for each other but now its up to JB to decide. its his life i guess but i don't think he is into miley in thatway
i have a really hard time believing that all of this is true....
umm miley does get every guy she wants and "she was meant to be together with justin?" ya i don't think so........lmao I friggin hate miley :P
check out my video of Justin Bieber racing segways with vita chambers please - i need more views !! :D
omg! -_- what a bitch! before she was dissing justin and now when she broke up with her stupid boyfriend she wants him!
And if she wants him she's gonna pour on all her sexual self to get him.
wow first she says "he isnt my type" but once she broke up w/ liam nd now single she want justin "cuz i alwys admired him " nd " we were meant to be" -___- wow i just think she want more publicity since justin is the big thing now =/
she always tryin to find every guy that available =/ *tssk tssk* miley
ik hou gwn van justin bieber met wie hy ook heeft dat boeit niet :r ik kan tog nix met hem hebben dus ja wrm jou ik jaloers zijn als ik hem tog niet zou kunnen krijgen (ookal zou dat supper zijn:g) omg nu denk ik dat ik tog jaloers moet zijn whahahahahahahaha :e nou ja nee doe ik niet zo zielig ben ik niet
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