Alright guys. Absolutely nothing exciting happening in Belieberland today. No new news, videos, or music so we're gonna try something a little different.
Two days ago JB tweeted something to get you guys all curious and excited about the upcoming two weeks:
Really excited to have 3 new videos and new songs in the coming weeks....1st video comes out on MONDAY, - Justin BieberDo you think you know what he is talking about?
Take a guess by leaving a comment on this post as to what you think are the new videos/songs and we'll see who can be the first to get it right.
Here's a hint: The tweet was made before the NEVER SAY NEVER video was released.
Leave your name (nickname or whatever you want) and the country you are from in your comment and the first person to answer correctly will win a new car. Ok kidding.
Just take a guess. What are the 3 new videos and songs he is talking about?
i bet one of them is the somebody to love video. i cant want
1. Never Say Never
2. Somebody to Love
3. Rich Girl
~Caroline Loves Tacos!!!!
Videos: Somebody to love, Love me (?), for a song we don't, or hopefully Pick me haha i love this song :)
Songs: i guess we can't now this? ;)
by: Justine, Germany.
ps: i want the car ;)
one new video / song is never say never
and the other is a video of "somebody to love"
and the other maybe another song that he´s already have wich he has make a video for
one them never say never
and somebody to love
Justine is right
never say never
somebody to love
and love me
i think it somebody to love
never say never
and that should be me ( i love that song n ppl tweeted him bout making vid of that)
never say never
somebody to love
love me
-never say never
-somebody to love
-love me
Justin omgg!!!! i love u soooooo much (:
i love ur new song never say never... its really greatt..
i meann rich girl not love me.... (: but i love all ur songs Justin...
..its never say never, then somebody to love and u smile....the last one was a total guess...or maybe rich girl?..or pick me?..or kiss and tell?..or that should be me?...
..i think i guessed to much...
...Zarah, Philippines...and i want the car too...
-Never say never (done)
-Somebody to love
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