24 May 2010

This is too much to handle for one day. Looks like we're gonna be hearing a lot about this past weekend in the UK.....

Justin Bieber behaves like teenage diva at Radio 1's Big Weekend
Justin Bieber always seemed like a sweet sort of boy to us, but after what we witnessed at Radio 1’s Big Weekend we’re not sure he’s as sweet as he looks. Justin’s “people” had made it very clear that nobody could ask him about his rumoured birthday tattoo, but Radio 1’s Fearne Cotton couldn’t resist a little question. After all, she’s a pretty big fan of tattoos herself, and that’s probably the only thing she has in common with a 16-year-old boy.

Anyway, Justin didn’t like her breaking the rules one bit, and after refusing to reply he got up and stomped out of the interview. Oo and er.

Later that same day, Justin also commandeered his very own backstage buggy and drove around flicking the finger at everyone, including the likes of JLS, Diana Vickers, Dizzee Rascal and Cheryl Cole, who were also performing at the event. However, karma came back to bite him on the Bieber-hind later on when he took to the stage and was promptly greeted by boos. See, Justin - diva behaviour will get you nowhere!



Dempsey said... [Reply]

Poor Justin this is gonna just give your haters more reason to rant and rave :( But its not like hes the only one who has gotten mad and fingered people

Anonymous said... [Reply]

where can i see the interview?

Anonymous said... [Reply]

i love justin sooo much but i noticed this before you posted this....he is just different and i cant quite put my finger on it...he is gonna lose his fans if he keeps this up...

BelieveInBieber said... [Reply]

He probably just did his peace sign... from an angle it looks like he is flipping people the finger :P

Anonymous said... [Reply]

k he's starting to become a diva first miley cyrus now this im gettin pissed

Anonymous said... [Reply]

guys!! you cant judge him because you dont know him and everything that stands in the press is not true. so DONT be naive!!!!(:

Anonymous said... [Reply]

He's a complete TWAT

beatrice said... [Reply]

shut up and stop believing in every single rumor! the only reason that people are making such a big deal about it is that he is justin bieber. he acts just like any 16 year old boy. and i higly doubt that he flipped them of, and swore to everyone. justin is NOT a bad person. this pisses me of so much. stay out of his fage! ffs

Anonymous said... [Reply]

this is the stupidest article ever... why would he randomly give celebrities the finger..? Heat Magazine always makes up rumours.. im from ireland and they were talking about this today on the radio 2day. this better not turn ppl against him.. :'(

lora said... [Reply]

wow !! wtf !! people should give Justin a break !! he travels 24/7 and then magazines and paparazzi give him a hard time!! i dont think he flipped ppl off bt if he did who cares ?!?! hes a 16 year old boy ! im a 15 year old girl and i flip ppl off !! its no big deal !! these magazines wont leave him alone ! they should get a fucking life !!!! >:O

Rayneeeeeeee said... [Reply]

Seriously cmon ppl are always makin up rumors bout Justin their whole life is about makin other ppl look bad cause they are jealous and I believe he left the interview after she asked bout the tat cause he didn't wanna talk about but goin around flipping ppl off I dont believe plus he post a twitpic of him and Cheryl Cole together why would he take a pic with her and then flip her off.... Just doesn't makeee sense ppl!!!!!! People just really need to leave him alone..

Anonymous said... [Reply]

i dont believe it, justin is amazing & i love him no matter what <3 I LOVE YOU JUSTIN & IM ALWAYS HERE FOR YOUUU

Anonymous said... [Reply]

lol this is sad no one gives a crap if you put up a middle finger srsly; i mean everyones okay with eminem; who didnt expect him to put up his finger in private? oh no just because his justin bieber its illegal for him to act normal. :O ... but i heard from this report from a few articles i dont think it was just a rumor... i hope he dsnt do one of those apologies; lol there usually no good,i recon he he needs a bit of a break its not liike he ran someone over.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Omg this is so not true about him giving the finger...but anyway

Anonymous said... [Reply]

c'mon guys teens act like that all the time and Justin's just a normal , kid a normal teenager soo y say shit about him just cuz he's justin bieber cuz people dont care if other teen do that but y do they care so much just cuz justin bieber was the one who did it

Anonymous said... [Reply]

OMG you people are so STUPID,
he OBVIOUSLY said not to bring it up so why did you? dumbbbcrap! , seriously he asked nicely not to but you still did are you that retarded?!?
this is the biggest bunch of lies, he has a picture with cheryl cole on twitter, why would she take a picture with him if he did that, thats a massive rumor, you people are full of crap! and im pretty sure every 16 year old does those sorts of things, hes 16 so get the hell over it! and the people that booed OBVIOUSLY can't see talent even if it hit them in the face!!

Michie J said... [Reply]

He is not the only person to flip someone off. and Y would you ask about something he said not to. I my opinion he has a right to be mad.

deasha said... [Reply]

this what i'm afraid of...but i still believe justin..

Anonymous said... [Reply]

What a horrible child. Will be forgotten in a few months, just like Aaron Carter. Terrible person.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

He should just quit right now

Anonymous said... [Reply]

who ever posted the obove things= WHY ARE U ON THIS SITE!!! sorry but this is a belieber only zone!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

the person who posts thing here is the owner of the web so u cant say not to come here...n i dont think it true he stuk the finger.... but i still love n give him support :) muahhhh

Anonymous said... [Reply]

no she mean the person who posted the comment "whoever posted the above things....." so it's not the owner of the site but someone else. a hater.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

just rumors...justin wrote at his twitter..he was raised to not answer gossips with anger...he is a good teenager..i believe in him...<3..paper and magazines just want to increase sale so make up rumors and chose justin as he is the trending topic nowadays....

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Im not being funny but all the other comments are fans their obviously not going to say "Oh yeah hes a prick" and personly i WAS a fan untill i heard all of these rumours wich are true as my friend went to R1BW and saw him storm off and gave fearne the finger, i think this fames getting to his head he needs to calm down and think about how many fans hes loosing.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Ok for a 16 year old he is to young to act like this and be a complete bitch and diva. He doesnt deserve to have this so called fame! In a year or less he will be forgotten about!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

pahahah this is the funniest thing ever, i dont reli like him but i dont hav any grudges against him. he just got lucky with some soppy girly songs and thats it. To be a prick is another thing, you dont see artists running around giving the finger and telling your on stage managers to fuck off. He might be lucky with the girls and maybe some lads ;P but if i was him, id be grateful to hav got this far.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Justin Bieber is cute and stuf but, all you guys who are crazy about him?? Calm down. When your Bieber Fever has calmed down, you'll be able to realise that he's not as perfect as you might think!! But he is getting blamed for this just because he's in the spotlight, because normal teenagers have done alot worse and gotten away with it.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

i hope justin doesnt become a diva :( then ill never meet him

Anonymous said... [Reply]

bless him :t nawr xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Ok some of these people need to chill. I kno for a fact that justin did do something like that in the first interview with fearne cotton but I don't know how much is true. And yes he is acting like any other teenage boy so lay off. He made a mistake and he apologized to fearne and did another interview with her so all is good now.

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