23 May 2010
"And yah his jeans is skinny but I'm sure his pocket's fat" lol. Somehow I think you have to have fat pockets to purchase JB's kind of skinny jeans.
With all the haters out there it's refreshing to see some love for JB from not just a guy, but from a brother (brother means black guy for those who don't already know). A straight, black, male who claims to be a huge Justin Bieber fan. It's as rare as they come. ahahaha
What do you think of Devin's rap for Justin? Devin is a visitor of JBShrine so he'll be reading any comments you guys leave.
that was awsome! I love justin bieber!
Great job devin!!
Good job! It takes guts for a guy to stick up for JB.......what you said is true he really is a cool kid! Thanks
cool!! at least he's not a hater!!! :)
Ugh, I hate RAP
Very good! i am glad to see a guy that likes Justin
Hey this is Devin thank you everyone for the comments, and yeah I am a Justin Bieber fan because unlike most guys I look past his age, and how he dresses(even though he has SWAG) but anyway and appreciate his music, and oh yeah when I said his pockets fat I meant like he has a lot of money in his pockets hahaha, but yeah thanks to all again.
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