Things are not looking so good in Belieberland this past couple of days and it doesn't look like it's gonna get any better any time soon....
Seems the tattoo tantrum isn't the first time Justin Bieber has acted like a cry baby with Sunrise host David Koch accusing him of being rude to a staff member.
The super-cheerful morning host spilled the beans about Bieber's recent visit to the Sunrise set and his foul mouth on breakfast radio show Mike E & Carmela in The Mix.
Does this change your opinion of Justin?
I Didn't undestand a thing of what he was saying. can somebody say me what justin did?
haha it's that australian accent i think
david kosh said the floor manager was showing justin to where he was going to perform and justin turned and said
there would be no way jutsin did actually say those words and even if he did SO WHAT its not like koche hasnt swore or done anything like that before so quite frankly who cares. i mean whatever the situation, us beliebers are behind justin every step of the way whether he did it or not there is NO way would anything like that could ever change my opinion on the beiebs. hes AMAZING AND ALWAYS WILL BE <3
woops sorry guys did that on my phone ill do it properly this time. haha
There would be no way Justin did actually say those words and even if he did SO WHAT. its not like Koche hasn't swore or done anything like that before so quite frankly who cares. i mean whatever the situation, us beliebers are behind justin every step of the way whether he did it or not the is NO way that anything like that could ever change my opinion on the biebs.
There is no way he would ever say anything like that and if he did he was playing around like he always does. everyone is taking everything to far he is 16 give him a brake.
why post this dribble? There are always going to be people trying to blow out someone else's candles, so what's new here? I don't know or care whether he actually said this. What is clear is he's hard working, talented and has a relentless schedule. He's also a 16 yr old who is going through the throngs of adolescence while being in the public eye. Give him a break and some leeway.
Give the kid a break, iI mean he's only 16 and he was proboaly jst playing around!!!
Give the guy a break... i dont think he would actually say this, and even if he did, he is 16 years old!!!! and he is carry more pressure than most adults! plus what 16 year old boy hasnt dropped the F bomb?
they should give him a break. he is a 16 year old guy ffs! what 16 year old hasnt said those words? and i dont think its true.. i dont think he would say that when he has his crew and his mom around and even if it is true i dont care so much... people are over reacting. if it was any other teenage guy people wouldnt care because its normal, just because its justin everybody is freaking out :/ still love him nomather what
I will always support da Biebmeister :D
I suspect he gets very tired of being touched by all his fans, and he is under a lot of pressure, so I would cut him a good deal of slack.
Ummm Who Care's If He Said That. Like Personaly If Some Creepy Old Man Was Touching Me I'd Say The Same Thing!!
umm thats probliee not true lol who wud cuss around derr fam?
if david koch say that it's because it's true his not going to invente something like that and say it on radio.
justin is amazing & his fans know the real him.. he didnt do any of that stuff.. immature adults meed to grow up. i love you JUSTIN <3
...i don't care if it is true...cuz that guy doesn't know what 2 do with his freakin gossip filled life!!....a belieber all the way!!!...
stop making excuses for justin bieber's abusive behavior! You're going to end up like those people who get beaten bye their husbands or wives and you'll continue to forgive them just like you forgive jb right now. he's an idiot and he's dragging all of you with him! hahaha!
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