Is it just me or is this interview a lot different from most? Justin doesn't seem to be into it at all. It appears to me that he is not totally there. I wonder if the hectic schedule of flying around the world in such a short time to promote his new album is starting to take a toll on him. I really don't like what I see here.
So is he this way because he's tired or is it because he's tired of answering the same questions over and over again?
He seems a lil upset..
Or just bored of the same questions OVER + OVER Loool :L
i live in oz and actually met him in the morning on the same day he was interviewed cause hes wearing the same clothes and he seemed pretty excited and happy to be here . when justin left, scooter told us he had press all day so it was probably the end of the day and was just tired of all the questions.
Thanks for the info. Yah I definitely notice that he's tired in the interview but wasn't sure whether it was from the schedule or the questions.
He sounds fine to me, I don't know what you are concerned about.
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