Set in a bowling alley, Justin explains the the video was loosely inspired by other than the King of Pop. “We’re kind of going off of ['The Way You Make Me Feel'] video by Michael Jackson, where I’m following her around and trying to get the girl,” says The Bieb. “I’m chasing her and she’s really, like, not interested.” Be careful
For the record, here is what the teen pop star has to live up to:
Good luck, Bieber. You’ve got your work cut out for you.
Some naysayers might shrug off the Ferrari mascot as a flash-in-the-pan pop star, but he’s not only big enough to land the opening verse in “We Are The World,” Justin’s songs are inspiring their own cover versions. Indie electro/hip hop trio Menya did their own version of “Baby,” and not only did they give it an extra beat, they added some age-inappropriate naughtiness to it. (Inappropriate for Justin’s main demographic, anyway.)
We like the synthesized take, as well as the the lyric switch from the repetition of the word “Baby” in the original into “let’s make some babies… I just want to bump and grind.” We’ll let Justin’s parents explain that one to him.
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