These soundcheck videos never get old. Too bad this is the last one for North America.
Let's hope he's doing these soundchecks when he gets to Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Dress Up Game Dress Justin up in various clothes and accessories.
Face In A Hole Put yourself in the same picture as Justin.
Bubble Game An addictive game Tetris like game
Hit Justin Bieber Game Throw stuff at him on stage for points (haterish).
This is from the Atlanta souNdcheck just FYI. This is one of the Carolina's soundcheck! Just so you know!!
I love watching the soundcheck videos! :)
but unfortunately he isnt having any soundcheck parties in Australia :(
and no souncheck in germany
:( im so upset that justin cut his hair.
it dont suite him very well.
i like the biebs hair, flip
haha this isnt atlanta this was december 16th in greenville sc i was the one who asked him to go golfing with me!! check out me, dan kanter, and justin in my video.
i agree i like the "other" type of hairr style better. Also jst bi looking at jb on stage in this vid i just luv all of his outfits they r so freekin cute<333 and his purple yankess hat just tyes the wholle hate together<3 ily justin bieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!<33 lmao8:)
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