Otherwise known as Self Mutilation Disorder, Cutting Yourself Disorder is related to stress and depression and affects 2 million Americans today. The temporary physical pain is like a defense mechanism which gives them temporary relief from their emotional pain.
Initially I thought I might make a post saying this might be Photoshopped (since we keep talking about that Selena and Justin picture) but just in case this picture is real then it needs to be taken seriously so I'll just say this.... If you are suffering from this you need to recognize that it is not normal and go get the help you need.
Learn more about Cutting Yourself Disorder.
it's so sad:(
Wow that must been hurt --"
I did the exact same thing lol.
Except im not emo or depressed lol.
It isnt that big its on my wrist like a tattoo
but I did it myself.
Probably not safe haha.
But you can barely see it now it's just a scar.
that is stupid you'll live with a scar 4-ever
its not normal to cut yourself... my mom knew someone who cut themself a lot and then died cuz he cut a rly important blood vessel and bled to death.. i would hate if any belieber had tht happen to them :(
Lol Vessel? You mean artery, right? If they bleed to death through a blood vessel it would've been a hemophiliac sitting in a warm bath for days while being pumped full of diuretics.
.. Wow kid.. Your Dumb -_- I Dont even feel bad for you.. Your going that for someone you will probably never meet.. Nice.. Your going to live with that forever..
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