In Justin Bieber’s new book “Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story” Justin talks about his thoughts on getting in a fight:
Just as I have nothing to prove to the haters who try to tear me down now. I’m not a fighter by nature, but, if I believe in something, I stand up for it. If somebody talked trash about my friends or my mom, I’d let them know that was not cool. If somebody shoved me, I shoved back harder.
This part of the book seems relevant to the recent news about Justin getting in a fight with someone at a laser tag facility. The reports state that a young boy alleged that Justin started a fight with him, but Justin’s team has said that Justin was verbally attacked and that he pushed the boy away from him when the boy got in his face.
No official ruling has come from the police report that had been filed. What do you think of the quote in Justin’s book?
that its right and he should stand up for himself and his friends. and mom lol
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