These pictures were taken Sunday, Sept 9 in Venice, California by a Canadian tourist who just happened to drive by and noticed that in the next car was none other than JB. Supposedly the two weren't just kissing but it was reported that they were groping each other too! And what is she doing in the fifth picture? It just doesn't look right! They were being driven around by Alfredo in his Honda Accord.
This must be serious because these two have known each other for a long time and this isn't the first time they made out. The fact that they are this into each other long after their first kiss must mean it is serious.
And they are gonna get even more serious as she will be spending a lot more time with him. Jasmine has signed on to be Justin's opening act for the rest of the tour. Here she is in Saskatoon singing Overboard....
So? What do you think? Will they last? Are you happy for him or are you a little upset about this news?
One person that's definitely gonna be upset is Madison.
UPDATE: Caitlin Beadles has just unfollowed Jasmine on Twitter.
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OMG is it really true? I hate her. She has everything!! Honestly I'm a little upset even if I'm happy that he found someone.
I am happy for him =)
Although im abit upset but duh he will never knoe me
alright...! ok um... just ok!
I knew it anyway! :d
ok i have mixed emotions right now i mean i'm heartbroken but happy for him and shocked but kinda expected it oh well who knows how long it'll last and how serious they'll get all i know is i'm gonna marry him!!! (hopefully)
@caitlin I kinda have the same emotions!!!
i think we should all just be happy for him. because u know it most likely wont be you who he is kissing. idk im happy for him!
i dont like her but i'm happy for him :) if they like each other then its good
She is not that good at singing...
Ife he's happy.I am too ! Its his life,his decisions :D
for the first. they are flirting on the stage. i feel bad for the fans who is at his concert. seriosuly. I knew there was something between them. I don't like her. i'm mad, but deep down i'm happy for HIM. the fans are going to be crazy. poor justin . I mean , I have no right to be mad at him because I know I will not be his girlfriend.
Well I'm happy for him if he is happy..................but idk I'd rather he was still going out with Caitlin and not Jasmine........I don't think it'll last long but ya never know...I just hope if and when they do break up its not painfull at least for Justin :D
waitttt. how do we know its officialllll?and im happy for him.but really upsettt
im superrrrr pissed at Jasmine. shes gonna get soooo many threatss
omg im sooo pissed! she gets like EVERYTHING! but im also glad jb has a gf... i was just hoping it would be me :( i started crying mah eyes out!
lol caitlin unfollowed her on im def not happy...he says how hes not ready for a relationship but yet he makes it prettty public that hes in one...gosh bieber
Im glad that Justins happy! I mean yes, Im sad that I can no longer joke that hes mine, but he never would be anyway! Im just glad that hes FINALLY found his somebody to love! FINALLY! He deserves some love! After all he's been through recently! =)
OMG!!! :O Is it true?! I happy that JB has finally found someone though :P ..but they were groping each other is just plain gross
i dont think there kissing its a bad angle and if they did im pretty sure they wouldnt do it with someone else in the car with them
No he cant have found her he doesnt like her, also there are other better girls in the world for him. He also said that he doesnt really want to date someone that is in the business!! So it cant be true!! I dont want it to be true!!!! NOOO!!!
Shes hoe. i hate her. it better not be true. i swear ill die.
im happy for you if your happy im happy
I am defs not jealous.. so happy for justin<3 cuz hes GORGEOUSSS. but i really dislike jasmin A LOTTT. and shes not pretty at alll :\
OMGOMGOMG!! he kissing jasmine?! why he didnt kiss me alone? hahaha
LOL Calm DOwn... Just Be Happy For Them!
ha ha
i cant stop my felling for him cause every time i move i always remember him and i always listen to his song and everytime i think i said to my self that i wish i can get a passport so im gonna see you in personal W oW! love it i.. cant... wait . the way you are I LOVE YOU TELL THE END TIME MY WORLD YOUR WORL its ok to say all you want to say cause no ones knouw who i am .
FOR F**ks sake!
This is why i'd rather JB have a fan for a GF! This girl has everything, i swear! She's got the looks, the money, the fame. She doesn't bloody need JB to top it all off.
LOL you all up there. Why you all so bitter much? As if you'd ever be JB's girlfriend (and even close to that)! I laugh at your misery!!! XD
I like Jasmine, so back off. :)
im extremely HAPPY for them! <3
i just honestly dont think it will last too long.
but im happy for them(:
I don't like her..
I h8 you
i hate the idea that there dating i dont like her i would be happy if justin dated anyone else insted of jasmine i meen there is sothing about her i dont like i think she is using him i dont think they will last long or much longer but watch if belieber find out she is using him he life is going to be ended allmost emedatliey like intantly no joke
I hate the mother fucker JASMINE V.. she's UGLY...
omg justin i love you <3
hate her, i look better than her ,, she need to get some fashion tips bc the green stripes aint working for her, happy for him bc he is happy but she is disgusting ,, baby justin she is not down and you can do alot better! .....with me for sure!
OMG...That should be ME holding his hand...That should be ME making him laugh...That should be ME...this is SO SAD.. That should be ME...THAT SHOULD BE ME!!! Hope is is happy.
Okay Jasmine is a beautiful girl, why wouldn't Justin like her, give the guy a break. If we all had our way he'd be alone forever, just so we could still dream about him being ours. Sadly life doesn't work like that, a true fan would be happy for him!
i dont think their relationship will last long...
oh come on guys like there's a chance that your boyfriend's gonna be justin bieber
you know what!!! pattie is soo right as of now!! i think jasmine is using him bc she is in my opinion horrible i dont know how she got a contract in the first place!! i just hope justin doesnt fall to hard!! it would break my heart to see him get hurt!!! i think he should listen to his mom!! he listned his whole life and look how far hes come!! i dont seem like he appreciates us anymore!!
Awh caitlin unfollowed jasmine on twitter..
Would diffently not blame her.. I'd do the same if I was her.. :/
Ehh.. Jasmine is 17 :O And Justin is 16... Bahahaa
Seriously Justin could really do much better!?
Ha. She probs asked him to kiss her.!!
Caitlin is wayyyy better for Justin Bieber..
1. They went out BEFORE he was famous.
2. That basically means she loved him for who he was.
3. Jasmine obviously only likes him cos he is famous.
darn!!!!!!!! I wanna have sex with him soooo bad!!!! u know a 16 year old can have babies!!! eeeee i want uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3
i hate the media sometimes they are so confusing:n
the pictures looks so real but are they?
ahhh i just hate jasmin fuckin villsge i loved him so much and he broke my heart that fuckin bitch had to come along and brake my life i think its an joke that there going out haha a fuckin joke i hope their life there horuble togther fuckin justin asshole bieber and jasmin pig face villlages i think its a fuckin joke i am gonna telll every one i kow that loved justin that he broke there heart all justins fans pls listen we ve done so much for justin like get him famous and all that shit and now this is how he repase us its just not on no fuckin pissin way
@Anonymous yep that is wat she is doin
even tough she is a filipina like me i hate her so much!!
justin bieber is gay!!!
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