Remember way back when Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake both kept denying they were in a relationship? They were later exposed and had to admit to the public that they were dating. This was later confirmed by her mother Lynn in a book where she revealed that Britney's managers wanted to keep the relationship secret so that Britney would be more appealing to her fans. It was also later revealed that Britney also falsely claimed that she was a virgin and wanted to wait until marriage to lose her virginity.
Does this all sound too familiar?
Justin has a scheduled concert in Hawaii coming up on October 8th and 9th. The original plan was not to take Jasmine along but now both US Magazine and Celebrity Gossip are reporting that inside sources have revealed that Justin wanted her to be with him so bad that he personally demanded his management to take her along to Hawaii so that they could be together.
"She was supposed to be left off the upcoming Hawaii concerts," says an insider. "But Justin wanted her there, so he made it happen."
Which now begs the question: Is Justin really hiding his relationship with Jasmine because he and his managers are afraid it would upset his fans? How many times total have they made out and was not caught by a camera? And is Justin really still a virgin?
What do you think Beliebers?
do you think justin would "do it" with her?
I think so. He just won't tell people but he's 16 of course he would. don't you think?
Isn't Jasmine opening up for Justin at his concert? So of course she's gonna be there...and Justin is still a virgin!! lol wat kind of question is that?
i dont think he wud "doo itt" well idk. hes kind of young. you guys think he would and not tell anyone?
id rather have Justin tell the truth to us about Jasmine. Then lie and never say a word about it. I want him to tell the truthh! and i dont think he would "do it" with a girl yett...
i doubt he would do it and take the chance of getting jasmine pregnant because he probably would have learnt from his parents not to do it b4 marriage and thay probably wouldnt want him to either
LOL, you hounds! This boy is not a virgin. He is JUSTIN M.F. Bieber! Hello??!!!
lol. theres a chance of that.
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