I hate to say this but....i think he's lip syncing... :(
He is lip syncing. I was gonna point it out but I've already made that point before so.
yes i think he did it. but why? he performed somebody to love and up before, and he did it well.btw i did like what he's doing! i think that if a fan buy a tiket for his concert he HAVE to performe live, even if he can't do it well
ok soo it looks like his lip syching. But his not because you can hear him singing in some bits. The musics turned up too loud. I hope they fix this.
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Face In A Hole Put yourself in the same picture as Justin.
Bubble Game An addictive game Tetris like game
Hit Justin Bieber Game Throw stuff at him on stage for points (haterish).
I hate to say this but....i think he's lip syncing... :(
He is lip syncing. I was gonna point it out but I've already made that point before so.
yes i think he did it. but why? he performed somebody to love and up before, and he did it well.btw i did like what he's doing! i think that if a fan buy a tiket for his concert he HAVE to performe live, even if he can't do it well
ok soo it looks like his lip syching. But his not because you can hear him singing in some bits. The musics turned up too loud. I hope they fix this.
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