This girl should learn to shut her mouth. Calling someone a little baby is not nice especially when they are already 16. Stop bad mouthing Britney Spears and Justin you one hit wonder. Their careers will span much longer than yours.
And by the way, I have removed the Tik Tok Remix from this site. Her attitude does not belong here and neither does her music. And who the hell spells their name with a dollar sign? Simply no class.
Omg ! thst mean but she really needs
to think before she speaks !
too right!, KE$HA?, i mean what the hell? leave justin alone you sad act. and nice site :)
I think both are shit but kesha is 100% right!
HEY! there is definetly nothing wrong about spelling your name with a dollar sign and maybe shes a bit more creative than the rest of us and yeh maybe, shes telling the truth about justin bieber and you're gonna face it one day. Oh by the way she isn't a one hit wonder and some of her other songs like 'Your love is my drug' and 'Blah Blah Blah' were a lot more famous than Justin Bieber's so called 'songs' will ever be. Oh yeh, once Justin Bieber reaches puberty (which isn't until a while) his so called 'career' will end righ on the spot while Ke$ha gets another number one hit! :P
This kid above me is soooooo wrong its not even funny xD usually to stupid people like her i point out exactly what they are wrong about, but this time i dont have to its so abvious!
Why don't everyone stop hating people you don't even know?
I Love Justin Bieber (BELIEBER) FOREVER! But I also admire Ke$ha, Build a bridge and lets get over this :r
People have said much worse things about him (and I very much dislike what they are saying) because I find him VERY talented :t and people are just JEALOUS! of him in my opinion.
@Nadiaa_x <- Twitter x
Hhhhhh....ke$ha is so stupid to say that cuz justin is more famous thn her while he is younger
U can say she is Jealousy
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