Justin showed up at the live gig yesterday in LA with some rather funky glasses. It might not put him in the best light but it sure shows he has a confident and fun side.
There are some pictures of yesterday in the new Flickr gallery on the sidebar.
That's what attracts me so much to him. He's sweet, talented, and is totally comfortable with himself. Most guys would be afraid to be made fun of with those glasses. He doesn't care what others think.
I think he's quite cute. :) But that's just my opinion.
he is a kind boy i met him for a week and i stayed with him during his concerts and everything.the girls and woman are really onto him.he was just a regular boy who was posting stuff on youtube and usher found it and everything went swell from then on :) but after you get to know him he isn't the "ooooh he is soo hot" he is the " heyy see you after the concert". we kissed about 7 times during the week i have pics of me and him only in the backstage i would post them but they are kinda personal.we dated and then i had to go :( we still keep in touch but i can't tell anyone his cell # . he would really be mad and then he would have to change it. i go with him every so often to say hi and give him a lovingly hug. after a while i kinda felt like he was my brother. it felt weird because i knew him and i still thought he was cute. anyway that's the story about me and him. hope you get to see him too. he is a really nice boy :)
sure you did
I want Justin to come to st. Louis Missouri
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